Dial Into Giving With Champions for Kids

Did you know that food stamps don’t cover basic supplies like soap or cleaning products?

It’s one of those things I didn’t really think about until it was pointed out to me. Families who are struggling to put food on the table can get assistance to eat, but not to stay clean. Because staying clean is the key to staying healthy, when a friend told me she was collecting personal hygiene times for the Heart to Heart Organization I knew it was the prefect organization for my latest Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service Project.

I have been involved in a number of SIMPLE Service Projects though Champions for Kids, and this month’s mission gather family and friends to collect soap, shampoo, deodorant, and other basic toiletries to address the personal care needs of children in your community. Could the timing be any more perfectly aligned with my friend’s drive? I think not.

Heart to Heart Logo

The Heart to Heart organization provides housing and assistance to single mothers trying to get back on their feet. Participating mothers are required to hold down a job and work toward a degree of some kind, whether that is a GED or other trade degree, but as part of the program they are provided assistance they need including access to supplies, training programs and counsels. With a never-ending need to provide these families with basic supplies like personal hygiene items, I was thrilled to be part of the drive.

Armed with a mission and coupons, I set out for Walmart to fill my basket with basics like soap. Check out my entire shopping trip in my Google+ Story.

Dial Coupons

When the need is so great, sometimes it is hard to decide what are the best items to donate. I spent ages in the personal hygiene section of Walmart combing the aisles trying to decide the best things to buy. Thanks to a large stash of coupons, I was able to really stretch my budget and get a lot of great items.

In addition to the coupons I bought with me,  apparently a like-minded couponer had recently come through and played coupon fairy leaving behind coupons on the shelf for a number of items including Dial products. The perfect excuse I needed to buy more. I had $7.35 in coupon savings, which I put toward buying a lot more Dial products.

Dial lotion soap coupon

Because I know how much soap we go through trying to keep sick germs at bay, I decided to stock up on hand soap buying five pumps (in five different yummy flavors I might add). With Walmart prices and my coupons, I was able to score everything below for $26 and chance, including tax.

Dial into giving Simple Service Project Champions for Kids

Of course this couponer always has a stash of products waiting in the wings for a cause that needs donations. So I was happy to clean out my stash adding makeup, perfume, a razor, deodorant, samples and more to my donation pile from Heart to Heart.

Dial Champions for Kids donation

Learn more about how you can be One of the Millions! Learn more about how you can get involved with Champions for Kids SIMPLE Service projects by following them on Twitter (and follow the hashtag #DialCFK  to see what other bloggers are doing for their projects) and on Facebook. You can also learn more about Dial on Facebook and Twitter.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Dial Soaps  #DialCFK  #CBias #SocialFabric, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

2 thoughts on “Dial Into Giving With Champions for Kids”

  1. Wow you are thrifty! Your deserving organization is so lucky! I love coupon fairies, I do the same thing with coupons I am not using hoping someone will appreciate. 🙂


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