Earn Money and Box Tops For Education When You Shop With Jingit

Who couldn’t use a little extra money? I recently learned about Jingit, a new app that allows you to earn cash back and Box Tops for Education for your local school for completing simple tasks like watching short ads and checking in at Walmart. While you aren’t gonna make a living with Jingit, it’s always nice to be able to make a little extra pocket for doing something simple.

How to make money with Jingit while you shop

Getting started with Jingit is easy, all you have to do is register for an account online. Once you register you can immediately take advantage watching a few videos to earn money and Box Tops. Upon signing up I watched several videos and earned $2.30 all within about five minutes. For an added bonus, for a limited time each video watched also donates four Box Tops for Education to my chosen school.

Jingit Earn Money Online

After watching videos, you can download the Jingit app to your Android or iPhone. From the Jingit smartphone app there are two additional ways to earn – more videos and checking in at Walmart by scanning specific products’ bar codes from your smart phone. When I downloaded the app there were 10 products to check-in ranging from $.50 – $1 for each check in plus an additional four Box Tops per check-in.

Jingit Check Ins

I was excited to test the check-in portion of Jingit, so I headed to Walmart to see how it all worked. On the day I planned to visit Walmart, I woke up with a serious episode of vertigo. I was better by the time we headed out, but because I could barely walk my husband was kind enough to push me around the store in one of the kid carts. We attracted a LOT of attention, but I didn’t care. At least I didn’t collapse from a dizzy spell in the middle of Walmart – that attracts even more attention, trust me I’ve done it before. (See my entire shopping trip in my Google+ story.)

Walmart Kids Shopping Cart

So my wonderful husband pushed me through Walmart on a sort of scavenger hunt to find all of the items on my check in list. (It was actually pretty fun.) The items on my list included General Mills and Elmer’s products. Since I actually needed a few of the items on the list, it was kind of perfect. My daughter has recently decided plain Cheerios are just too plain, so I was on a mission to get Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. (Best mom award here!)

Honey Nut Cheerios General Mills Box Tops Education

The app worked like a charm. When checking in at each item I quickly discovered that the app is very specific about the size and flavor product that has to be scanned, but once I realized that it was easy. The app even shows a picture of exactly what you need to scan. After scanning the bar code, you are asked a few market research type questions related to your familiarity of the product. Once you complete the questions you hear a “cha-ching” as money is deposited into your Jingit account.

By the time I was done with all of my videos and all of my check-ins I earned $7.90 $8.20 (while checking my balance on my phone I discovered there was a new video to watch so I paused to watch and earned an additional $0.30 and four more Box Tops). Not bad for easy work.

Jingit Earn Money

When I am ready to “cash out” all I have to do is sign up for a Jingit debit and have my money deposited directly to my debit card for easy spending.

I will defiantly be using my Jingit app each time I shop at Walmart from now. Why not earn a little extra money while I shop?!

Sign Up for Jingit Today!

For more information, like Jingit on Facebook and follow on Twitter.

Disclosure – I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Jingit#CBias #SocialFabric #Jingit4edu. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

2 thoughts on “Earn Money and Box Tops For Education When You Shop With Jingit”

  1. I signed up for Jingit and love it. I hit the $10 weekly limit in only 2 days of use. I signed for the Jingit debit card and was able to transfer $25 to the card in only 3 weeks of using Jingit. Even though the “Boxtops” promotion is now over, there are still other promotions available to earn cash. I highly recommend this app.


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