When it comes to technology, we always have the latest and greatest. Why? Because hubs is a techy and he knows about all the coolest stuff before it comes on the market. Well, maybe not all of the coolest stuff. You see, being a blogger has its benefits. While most stuff I check out is for kids, we suburban moms love some tech in our lives too and sometimes I get tech stuff. If you haven’t guessed yet, today is one of those days I get to share something techy. And the best part, I introduced my hubs to something way techy cool that he had never heard about! Just in time for Father’s Day! (Check that off my to-do list, thank you!)
For all you iPhone users out there, listen up. This is a gizzmo you are going to want to add to your wish list. It is the Good Call. Check out the commercial and follow Good Call on YouTube to see it in action.
Pretty isn’t it?
The Good Call is a Bluetooth handset and docking station in one. I really wasn’t sure what that meant when I was told it was on its way to me, but it sounded cool. I am happy to report that it is. In a nutshell, the Good Call allows you to charge your phone and talk on a handset (which is more like a traditional phone) via your iPhone.
The first thing you have to do when you get your Good Call is pair it to your phone. If you have ever paired your iPhone to a Bluetooth device like an ear piece or in your car, it is just like that. With a few clicks, my husband was up and running.
Once you pair your phone, you can make and receive phone calls from the handset whether the phone is connected to the docking station or not. For a girl who can never remember where she left her phone and is always running all over the house searching for the phone before it stops ringing – I love this feature. Instead of wasting time searching, I could just leave my phone wherever it is and pick up the handset again. (Well, I could if I had an iPhone. But now I can answer my hubs’ phone!)
Another thing I really like about the Good Call is using the docking station to charge the phone. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like plugging in my phone with that little cord. I want to just set my phone down in a cradle (like our land-line) and walk away. Plus I am constantly knocking my phone off the bedside table. The Good Call takes care of that. Now iPhone users can cradle their phones in a weighted docking station. I am sure someone as klutzy as me could still knock it over, but with the weight of the Good Call it is going to take more than just a little bump.
How do you dial from the handset — Siri! The Bluetooth handset works seamlessly with Siri for voice dialing and asking it all kinds of fun questions. (Although I was disappointed that she didn’t know the answer to “Who is The Suburban Mom?” Oh well.)
The problem with a lot of docking stations is that you have to take the case off your iPhone before plugging it in. The people behind the Good Call were smart and left plenty of room for your phone to plug-in with the case on. A+
More Pros:
- Forget to charge your phone last night, no problem. Plug it in and talk on the handset while the phone charges.
- The sleek handset is comfortable in your hand and easy to talk on.
- Docking station allows you to seamlessly sync your phone with iTunes.
- Good Call has the ability to pair to two devices at the same time.
- Compatible with iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, and 4S

- Your iPhone must be in range of the handset to work, so no walking outside while talking on the handset.
- There was a slight delay when using many Bluetooth devices, including the Good Call handset. It is ever-so-slight, but I noticed it.
- The four-way toggle button on the handset is a little annoying because it is so easy to toggle the wrong way. I wish it had separate buttons.
- I use an Android phone 🙁 On the plus side, if you just want to be able to use the handset, it does work with an Android phone. You cannot plug it into the docking station, but you can use the handset.
So, what did my husband think of his early Father’s Day gift? He looks happy to me!
So… who wants a Good Call?
The Good Call will be available starting June 19, 2012 directly on Good Call’s website www.GoodCallBro.com for $80. (iPhone not included!) To celebrate the launch, Good Call will be giving away eight units during a Twitter Party on June 19, 2012 from 1-2 pm EST. Make sure you RSVP to the party for you chance to win. Plus if you Tweet about the party using the hashtag #GoodCall between now and the start of the party you will be eligible to win one of five units being given away in the pre-party.
GIVEAWAY – Guess what… One of my lucky winners will win one too. YEAY!
To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of entry opportunities.
MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. *** PLEASE be sure to read instructions in Rafflecopter form as to what to comment about.***
But first, doesn’t the Good Call look at home among all of the gadgets and monitors on our bedside table?
Disclosure – I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and GoFusion, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. #CBias #SocialFabric”
The ability to pair two devices at the same time!
That you can talk on the handset, while the phone is charging!
Being able to charge and talk at the same time!
Oh My God! The ability to be able to talk through my cell phone without using my cell phone … The ability to charge it while I can still use it. I am a virtual school teacher and I spend most of my day on the phone … the battery rarely lasts. This would be a saver!
My favorite feature is that it works with an Android phone.
I like the fact that your phone can be in your bag, but still accepts calls
I like the charging docking station.
That it charges while plugged in yet I can still pickup calls!!
weighted docking station and it recharges too
The fact that it is an extra handset! If I leave my phone in the other room I can use the Good Call to answer!
What a great product. I had no idea this existed. Now it’s a “must have”!
I love that it charges my iphone as well!
I like that it’s also a docking station.
My favorite feature is the ability to answer using the handset even if the iPhone is not docked.
I love that it charges the cell phone too.
i like that you can answer or call without having your phone. i leave mine all over the house too.
I would put it on my desk and use the hands free feature.
you can use the handset even if the iPhone isn’t docked
I love that it doesn’t have to be docked to be paired! That’s awesome! You can basically turn it into a home phone!
works docked or not
love that while its charging, you can still talk!
Love that Good Call has the ability to pair to two devices at the same time.
The fact that it’s comfortable and easy to talk on is a plus! I use my iPhone to make calls from home and have been looking for a more comfortable way of doing it 🙂
That you can talk on the handset, while the phone is charging
I love that your phone can charge while you are talking and that you can use siri
thank you!
You can talk while your phone is charging!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
it connects with siri
I liked that Good Call has the ability to pair to two devices at the same time.
ability to charge the phone while talking! LOVE IT!!
Just as an FYI – The Tweet giveaway entry option on Rafflecopter, isn’t tweeting about this giveaway, it’s a tweet about a personalized book 🙂
Doh! Thanks for the heads up, I totally missed that when I set it up!
I like that you can sync your phone with itunes.
I love that the docking station allows you to seamlessly sync your phone with iTunes.