Staying healthy is a year-round commitment, but it is especially tough during the holiday season. Not only are there temptations around every corner – cookies, pies, cakes, candies… the lack of sleep, a regular schedule and time to prepare healthy meals is a recipe for disaster. (Especially with a sweet tooth like mine!)
So during the holidays, we have to work especially hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and our family. Before the holiday madness begins, take a moment to review a few simple things you can do to keep your family healthy during the holidays:
- Drink water. And then drink more water. Skip the sodas and eggnog when you can and fill up on water. Save the sugar indulgences for desert.
- Eat before you go. If you arrive at that holiday party starving, you are more likely to fill up on whatever is in front of you. Choosing to eat something healthy before you go will give you control over something nutritious and you will have less room to indulge. (One idea, grab an apple.)
- Walk it off. After a big meal, suggest a walk around the neighborhood to burn off some of that energy. Get the kids into the action by making it a nature walk (if during the day) or a chance to look at Christmas lights (if at night).
- Stock up on the good stuff. If you know you will be eating less-than-stellar options at parties and family’s house, stock your pantry with nutritious items for the other meals.
- Two words – crock pot. No time to cook, ask for an early Christmas present and get yourself a crock pot. With a crock pot, you can chop and dice the night before, then dump it all in to cook all day long. When you return from a day of shopping or merry making a nice, healthy, hot meal will be waiting for you. (Even I can cook with a crock pot!)
Those are just a few ideas to keep holiday indulgences from getting to your hips.
This holiday season, and Aetna have teamed up to encourage parents and families to recommit to their health and learn more about their health. Today, many parents want to take health matters into their own hands and be able to make more informed decisions about health care and living healthier for the sake of their children. Furthermore, they’re looking for ways to live healthier to help them drive down costs of medical expenses so they have money to use on more fun recreational activities with their kids.
To help encourage you to Live Smart, so you are invited to share your moments of struggles and successes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a chance to win $300 from and Aetna.
Aetna also offers the following tips to help you keep moving:
- Gym membership too expensive? Check out these low/no cost options to keeping you moving
- No time to workout? Check out these tips to fit exercise into a busy schedule
- Overwhelmed by what to do? Learn good fitness basics and terminology
Now for the giveaway!!!
Giveaway – One lucky reader will win a $100 Visa Gift Card, Williams-Sonoma cookbook, Pedometer and an assortment of Yogi Tea (more than $125 value!)
To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.
MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. (Click instructions for what to comment about.)
Disclosure – I was provided a promotional product for sharing my healthy tips and the prize is being provided to the winner, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Great post and smart tips!
I try to drink plenty of water, especially before going out to parties.
My tip is to eat in moderation.
My tip is to double up on the vegetable that is offered to fill me up, then I won’t eat quite as much dessert.At least that’s the plan.
My tip is all things in moderation ….food, alcohol, shopping, time with guests, exercise.
This is an awesome giveaway!
Definitely trying to go to the gym at least 3 times a week …Staying active
I eat alot of fresh veggies and fruit. I take my vitamins
every day and drink lots of water. I take a walk every
day with my dog KC. It is good for both of us.
Drink water, water, water. Flushes out your system and fills you up before overeating.
I try to eat alot of fruits and veggies and have an apple before going out to a party~
Everything in balance-conserve energy, money, calories and time for the really important things
Drink lots of water and plenty of rest.
I don’t use the holidays as an excuse to overeat – I try to stick to my diet as much as possible, but allow myself to indulge a bit in my holiday favorites 🙂
Drinking plenty of water and make sure to get enough sleep each night will help you stay healthy during the holidays and any time!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stick to your exercise routine as best you can!
I give away the left overs so there isn’t as much to snack on later.
I give away the left overs.
drin plenty of water.
I limit myself to one sweet a day plus I try to run every morning with the baby so at least I get some excersize
I use Purell and wipes on shopping carts.
keep watching every bite i eat and make myself accountale!
My tip for staying healthy during the holiday season is portion control and don’t skip on your exercise schedule.
Eat in moderation and don’t forget to take vitamins daily
I try to find an easy indoor activity or exercise to do (like the treadmill or exercise bike) and sneak in as much extra workout time as I can to help fend off the pounds. I also try to drink as much water as I can before hitting the dinner table or cookie jar so I have a pretty full stomach before indulging!
I eat 3-5 different veggies and fruits every day
walk, wash hands, and don’t touch my face
I try to walk at least 10,000 steps each day and eat plenty of fruits and veggies!
I drink a lot of water and I get plenty of sleep.
I have to stay away from SUGAR. Drink water, water, water.
Love your blog. great giveaways.
Learn to say no. You can’t do everything, and doing too much only gets you worn down.
Definitely drinking LOTS of water! thanks for hosting!
i try walking as much as possible and staying hydrated.
I am watching what I eat and try to stay away from the dessert table. I also keep up with my exercise routing.
My best tip is to pace yourself in terms of food consumption to prevent a holiday feast coma.
I eat an apple before going to any holiday party to avoid overeating.
My best tip is to relax. Don’t let the stress get to you.
I try to make sure I’m getting enough sleep and have lemonade (vitamin C) every day from my lemon tree
Same as yr round, Eat healthy, plenty of sleep, exercise and drink water
I bought a Soda Stream, and now me and my fiance are drinking water (well, carbonated water, but without any flavorings or sweeteners!) all day long!
lots of water and walking whenever I an
try to eat meals that are portioned and not too much
To stay healthy during the holidays I make sure that our family takes their daily vitamin. We also take Airborne when we’ve been out shopping in crowded stores or at family gatherings!
My tip is to get a flu shot and take vitamins.
drink lots of water and stay away from sugar and whipped cream drinks!
Green smoothies all around!
Thanks for this splendid giveaway
drink water
The best tip for staying healthy is moderation! Don’t skip all the treats and good foods, just eat them in smaller portions 🙂
My tip is to exercise to help keep the weight from creeping up. Enjoy a few treats but work it off
Exercise and wash hands…a lot!
My tip for staying healthy during the holidays is to always make sure I make time for the gym. I have a 24-hour gym and I find a way to work it in every day!
I try and go for walks after each meal to get a little extra exercise in. If the weather is nice, I’ll also try to walk to the grocery store and back instead of drive.
One good tip is to monitor the amount of alcohol you have, too, as drinks are often caloric. Drinking water (like you said) or limiting yourself to one glass of sparkling wine instead of beer or punch or liquor with mixers is a good way to keep the calories down.
Eat Healthy foods. To avoid temptations, keep the pantry clear of too many junk food.
stay away from the gluten! lol
I keep my water bottle with me at all times.
It is important that you continue to drink water.
taking lots of vitamin D and C and getting my girls their flu shot!
I buy less sweets and sugar so i am less tempted to eat it 🙂
I try to bring veggies & hummus dip when I am invited over, so there is something healthy to snack on.
Portion control…I keep them small and drink a ton of water.
tip- move! it’s no time to be sedentary so pop in an exercise dvd if the weather’s bad!
annae07 at aol dot com
Need a good balance of (1) Eating small and eating often!, (2) drinking water (cut out the sugary drinks) and (3) be active – play with your kids – every little bit counts!
Plenty of exercise.
I don’t deprive myself. I have a smaller portion of everything I want instead of piling on one or two things
My tip is keep up the exercise routine.
My tip is to try and stay active by exercising. I still eat all of holiday goodies, but I don’t go crazy and overeat.Portion control is important with food any time of the year. You can still enjoy all of the holiday yummies without going overboard.
I take airborne at the sign of a cold,frequent handwashing and Lysol
Sorry if doublepost,if gave me a programming error message. I Lysol,Airborne and handwash.
eat healthy and wash hands alot…
I stay healthy by minimizing how many sweets stay in the house. Thank you for the giveaway!
Drinking plenty of water and taking plenty of walks!
I get a flu shot and take vitamins.
I just watch how much I am eating sweets. They are the thing that gets me. I love sweets and the holidays are full of them!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
everything in moderation. and try not to eat more cookie batter than what goes onto the cookie sheets!
Wash, wash, wash your hands, then wash them again!
Eat in moderation and don’t forget to stay hydrated!
Remember thst the holiday season is long. Pace yourself.
I love my crockpot! It is definitely a wise investment for a busy person.
My tip is to just nibble at all the holiday goodies so you don’t gain too much weight.
smchester at gmail dot com
My tip is to get plenty of rest and drink alot of water.
I wash my hands frequently to stay healthy.
my tip is to not skip meals when racing all over shopping, decorating, getting ready for company, etc. Make sure you grab some healthy foods while out, even if they are healthy frozen dinners. Beats ending up at the fast food drive up and spending way too much, and feeling yucky and sluggish for the holidays!
my tip to stay healthy is to lose weight before the holidays begin!
exercise and drinking lots of water
washing hands….a lot!
I stay healthy during the holidays by keeping up my excercise routine.
Stay active!
Make everything you do a bit of exercise. Dance while vacuming, take the stairs, fastwalk from car to store/office, etc.
hand wash alot
Drink lots of water, eat an orange a day, and take some of my son’s gummy vitamins!
always wash your hands and carry hand sanitizer and tissues!
walk as much as i can and drink lots of water
Never skip exercise routine and only drink water.
I exercise, get enough sleep and try to eat healthy.
Along with our traditional holiday meal I also prepare various salads, steamed vegetables and gelatin/fruit desserts that way I don’t over indulge on foods that are high in calories or sugar.
I also add an extra mile to my daily walk.
My tips for staying healthy is to take the time to get enough rest and to wash your hands often.
I try to make sure we eat well and sleep a decent amount each night.
eat smaller portions
I walk daily at the park while my kids are at the park
Avoid the harsher alcoholic drinks at parties, both for safety and health. Opt for wine spritzers or liquors mixed with sodas or juices in a tall glass so it lasts a long time.
I try to stick to my routine, even though I’m busy, which includes exercise. And try to limit sweets!
Watching my calorie intake and trying to eat more whole foods.
I try not to keep food around that is tempting…if I take goodies to a party I ask the host to keep the leftovers.
Tip: Avoid Pecan Pie
take your vitamins and watch what you eat at holiday work parties.
I make sure to take time for myself and not overschedule. It would be nice to attend everything, but I’ve learned to say no.
Wash your hands after using the restroom and keep hand sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean on the go!
I eat carrots and celery while cooking my holiday meals so I don’t taste everything and end up overeating. 🙂
drink lots of water
Eating a healthy snack prior to holiday meals. And spacing out desserts over the course of the month.
Try to exercies a little more.
I drink green smoothies daily and workout
Small portions throughout the day and putting more fruit/nuts in the stocking this year…not as much candy.
Workout three times a week and do not eat until stuffed!!
Funny enough, I bake ALOT! Once I have spent all that time baking I have no desire to eat it! Sounds crazy but it works for me!
I just moved to Florida this year, so I am fortunate enough to be able to be outdoors during the holiday season. I’ll be taking more jogs and playing with my 4 year old to burn off all of the wonderful holiday foods!!
Drink drink drink! Water, that is.
exercise more
My tip is to exercise, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and avoid crowds as much as possible.
Drink lots of water! The more water I drink… the less I want to snack.
Eat balanced meals, and make sure you get your vitamin d
I put the wrong thing in the linky box
making sure i get my walks in everyday
I steer clear of the desserts and i exercise
esting light, walking and lots of water
wash hands after all those hugs and such
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Tips for staying healthy? Lots and lots of Vitamin C.
Try to stay rested and drink lots of water in this busy, busy season!
If I am going out I eat a healthy snack before I leave so I am not starving and tempted to overeat
eat smaller portions, instead of pigging out, eat a little of everything.
Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
holliister at gmail dot com
Eat in moderation and exercise.
I stay healthy by wiping the carts with sanitizer.
walk daily and limit the sweets
Don’t stop exercising just because it’s cold out!! This is something I need to work on – when I get cold, I get lazy.
I schedule exercise into my calendar so it’s in black and white/
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Drink plenty of water, wash hands and get plenty of sleep.
I stay healthy by eating in moderation around the holidays. I enjoy all my favorites, but tasting rather than overindulging!
Try to eat right and take E-mergency when you feel a little off.
How I stay healthy over the holidays is by going to the gym and doing zumba almost every day!
I try to stay away from all the gift baskets and candy that just happens to show up at the office.
stay away from sweets.
I eat what I want in moderation. We also love to take walks together with my family after dinner. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I make sure to get enough exercise by walking our dog every day!
I stay healthy by exercising more. I love Christmas cookies so by working out more it allows me eat some without gaining weight.
msjem2001 at yahoo dot com
Get plenty of rest, eat well, take vitamins and exercise
control portions and get enough sleep
I walk everyday during the Holiday season and don’t deny myself the special holiday treats but only eat them in moderation.
Always wash your hands!
Do not overindulge and keep up your eating rand exercise routine.
spcale at yahoo dot com.
We use ( a free site) to keep track of everything that goes in our mouths. It really helps!
To stay healthy during the holidays don’t forget to eat your fruits and vegetables and get enough sleep, don’t stress out over it too much the holidays are supposed to be a happy time!
During the holidays I exercise more, I do portion control and I limit my sweets.
I stick to my exercise routine to feel better and have more energy.
Go for the healthy food and minimize the amount of sweets.
We carry the gel hand sanitizer with us while out and about so we can wash our hands after leaving stores.
I stay organized and actually up my exercise routine, it actually helps me stay focused
I eat healthy and exercise but I do have treats in small amounts
Get plenty of sleep. That will make everything else work out ok.
ezmerelda at mail dot com
My tip for staying healty during the holiday season is to participate with a group at work that makes a commitment to exercise or workout at least three days per week. We all benefit. Thanks.
It helps to keep lots of fresh produce around to munch on before a party…never go to a pary ravenously hungry..
I make time in my day to workout
Get in a little time to exercise every day.
I let myself enjoy THE DAY, and stick to my usual routine the rest of the season.
i try to walk an hour daily on the treadmill and drink lots of water
Thanks for the giveaway…our tip for staying healthy during the holiday season: enjoy the holiday food & drink in moderation, and try not to slack off too much on your daily exercise !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
drink lots of water and take daily walks if possible
Make your ever day meals healthier.
Watch your diet, try to eat healthier and avoid crowds where you are more likely to come in contact with those who are sick.
my tip is to take something healthier to parties so you know there will be something not “too” bad for you to eat