With only a few days left until the spookiest day of the year, excited kiddos everywhere are looking forward to dressing up as their favorite superhero or princess and loading up on all they candy they can score.
In our neighborhood, Halloween fun isn’t limited to just trick or treating. Before the big day, we celebrate the season with a Halloween shindig. The annual Halloween party started with just the moms and babies for the little one’s first Boo and has since grown into a mini block party with more than 10 families participating in the affair. Of course, no Halloween party is complete without costumes, and no costume party is complete without photos. While it’s tricky to get a heard of costumed kiddos to all smile for a photo, it is worth the hassle, and my favorite part is looking back at the pictures from previous years to see just how much the little ones have grown.
When it comes to the trick or treating, our neighborhood goes all out. Houses up and down the street are made over with spooky ghosts and cheerful pumpkins ready to great the candy seekers. And forget parents following their trick or treaters on foot, in our ‘hood mom and dad cruise along behind the little ones running from house to house in golf carts. It is both hilarious and a blast all at the same time as families zip to and fro carting a host colorful characters to the next candy stop.
Whether you are planning a big Halloween bash or just feeding your hungry ghosts and goblins before they head out for a night of fun, Tombstone pizza, “Official Pizza of Halloween,” wants to help you celebrate. After “liking” the TOMBSTONE Facebook page, check out the TOMBSTONE pizza Halloween Party Kit app. With the TOMBSTONE Pizza Party Kit, you have the tools to spookify your Halloween party and scare up lots of Halloween fun for your family and friends. Use the Party Kit to download frightfully delicious recipes to accompany your TOMBSTONE pizza, as well as Halloween decorations, eerie music, ghoulish games and more. You can even spookify your Facebook photos – look how cute we look in a jack-o-lantern.
Happy Halloween!!!
Giveaway – One lucky reader will win three Tombstone pizzas (in the form of free product coupons).
To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.
MANDATORY ENTRY MUST BE LEFT AS COMMENT ON BLOG POST BELOW– then you can check off in Rafflecopter that you did it. Otherwise, all other entries will be invalid. (Click instructions for what to comment about.)
Disclosure – I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Tombstone Pizza and received coupons and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.
My favorite Halloween tradition is watching “Halloween” on Halloween night. It’s a little morbid, but it fits the season 🙂
Our Halloween tradition every year is to dress up in theme costumes and go trick or treating with my hubby’s brothers family. This year we are dressing as Popeye, Olive Oyl and Sweetpea (who had to have a homemade costume :)since the bunting was too restrictive for a crawling 1 year old lol)
We drive around looking at decorations and give out candy to the kids.
Love to make carmel apples on Halloween! tracietrump@yahoo.com
My favorite tradition is going to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins.
Pumpkin carving contests!!
my fave is carving jack o lanterns
I love to give out candy to the kids.
My favorite tradition is carving pumpkins.
Sally G.
Like to eat candy on Halloween!
I love trick or treating.
Carving pumpkins
Favorite tradition is costume shopping!
Love seeing the little ones all dressed up.
Comment on any non-giveaway post
Our favorite tradition is trying to come up with new and exciting goodies to eat like krispy treats in pumpkin shapes or jello “worms.”
I like to hand out the Candy and watch all the kids tricks or treats.
carving pumpkins and decorating the house 🙂
watching family movies while noshing on candy with my kids
Making caramel apples.
Our favorite tradition is getting the junk food ready on Halloween night, and settling in front of the TV and watch a favorite scary movie as a family.
love bobbing for apples
vmkids3 at msn dot com
We love bobbing for apples and watching It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com
We love to make candy and caramel apples!
eating candy
We love carving pumpkins! Last year I made a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!
My favorite Halloween tradition is having a scary movie marathon.
My favorite Halloween tradition is ordering pizza, watching scary movies, and eating candy with my boyfriend 🙂
Aside from of course going trick or treating when I was little, and now going with the kids, my other favorite tradition is making home made caramel apples and having the party. 🙂
our tradition is simply to take our kids trick or treating. Hubby and I have tshirts we wear… his says “BOO” and mine is a pumpkin. It’s our attire each year!
We have a bonfire every year during trick or treating. It’s much more fun to sit in the yard and watch the kids go by then wait for them to ring the door bell.
Pumpkin carving contest!
Definitely carving pumpkins!
Love the trick-or-treating with the kiddos.
trick or treating and scary movies
dressing up
thank you
Decorating the house and yard.
My fav halloween tradition is decorating our home for the holiday.
Halloween tradition is Halloween party
We carve pumpkins
trick or treating
Ours is to order pizza and then trick or treat with the neighbors.
Our favorite tradition is carving the pumpkin.
my favorite halloween tradition is trick or treating with my daughter Kaily, and my boyfriend! we all dress up in the same theme
I love watching scary movies during Halloween.
participating in the community haunted house
Having chili for dinner then taking kids trick or treating.
Our favorite tradition is taking my kids to my mother’s to trick or treat and then enjoying her famous beef stew
carolkfoster at comcast dot net
I work for a local Halloween attraction and I have for about 10 years, so that is my tradition! I love Halloween
carving pumpkins
My favorite tradition is going out trick-or-treating with my daughter.
Carving pumpkins
My favorite halloween tradition is sending my kids out with their friends (and their parents) to go trick or treating…. I hate being cold!
carving pumpkins is our big thing….then eating the roasted seeds!
going trick or treating
dressing kids up and trick or treating!
going trick and treating
Apple Cider while watching a fun halloween movie is my favorite tradition
I never celebrated Halloween growing up, so with the birth of my son I think we will take professional costume photos every Halloween as we did this year.
Carving pumpkins is my favorite tradition.
decorating the house
i love making caramel apples and decorating the house
going on a hayride at the pumpkin patch so my kids can pick out their pumpkins
Carving pumpkins
ericka082 at gmail dot com
making those yummy treats.
Watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown DVD as a family.
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com
We love to bake Halloween cupcakes!
My favorite Halloween tradition is the spider prize maze we make for the kids each year.
Love the pepperoni!!!
Eating candy!!!
We make halloween cookies and watch Hocus Pocus.
my son is just starting to celebrate Halloween so we don’t have any traditions as yet…but I always liked eating pumpkin seeds and watching night of the living dead 🙂
watching the great pumpkin!
marygardner49 at aol dot com
I love making Halloween cookies with my kids
Baking all diferent types of pumpkin goodies with the kids!
Each child has to pick an item for us to bake and it makes each one feel so special!
Thanks for the giveaway…picking out & then carving pumpkins with our kids
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com