Alternate title for this post, “Do I have everything, Am I Ready?” 🙂
After a bit of a labor scare Friday night, well early Saturday morning. I went from bags half packed, to bags in the car ready to go in 30 minutes. I had a list of what I wanted to pack, so I think I got everything… but did I?
I highly recommend two bags – a labor bag and a recovery bag. The labor bag can be pretty small, but it should have a few essentials you might need during deliver. What you don’t want is to have to have hubby lug your stuff around the hospital if you are labor or if you are sent home (like I was).
Here’s my list of what to pack for the hospital, did I miss anything?
Labor bag –
- Chapstick
- Hair ties
- Camera + Charger
- Phone + Charger
- Notepad + pen – you will forget things you want to remember
- Something to record those little footprints (Good call Crissi – see comment below)
- Sweater – if you are in labor you won’t need it… but if you end up sitting around and eventually being sent home, you might get cold. I did. (Hubby was FREEZING, so you might want to suggest this to your hubby too.)
- Laptop + Charger
- 3 Pairs PJs for me to wear – no hospital gown for this mama
- Slippers
- Flip flops – for the shower
- Towels – (thanks for reminding me Laura – see her comment below)
- Toiletries
- Make up and hair brush/dryer – hello, photo opp!
- Nursing bra(s)
- Roll of soft toilet paper – who wants sandpaper after all that trauma!
- Boppy – I know some people skip this, but I loved having mine with me last time
- Pillow – I like to take my own pillow, with a colorful case so no one mistakes it as a hospital pillow
- Going home outfit for me – something comfy but a little cute 🙂
- A couple onsies/sleepsacks/hats for baby – just for cute
- Going home outfit for baby
- Wipes – they give you washcloths that are like sandpaper, very hard to use
- Gift for older kids – make your big kids feel special and pack a special gift for baby to give them in the hospital (I chose a Bitty Baby by American Girl and this Big Sister Book)
What not to bring (in fact, stock up while you are at the hospital)
- Diapers
- Pads
- Pacifiers
- Swaddling blankets
Alright mamas – did I miss anything? (I know, I am an over packer. I like to be prepared.)
Oh… and wish me good luck. Baby is due October 9, if not sooner…
I was in for 3 nights last time around, and wanted more than just jammies to hang out in during the days because of visitors. So, I would suggest more daytime clothes. I ended up having someone bring me extras, and had to wear one of my ‘show off the cute bump’ shirts home for pictures. The baby bump isn’t so cute post pregnancy when there is no baby in there anymore!
When I say PJs, I really packed shirts that should be nice in a photo with PJ pants… So I think I will be ok… But I might need to look at my choices again. Definitely want baggy b/c you are right, nothing cute about post-baby belly 🙂
I am sure you are planning on doing a digital photo book (or 10!!!) of this baby’s first year, BUT do you do any sort of traditional baby book to record milestones? If so, pack that book and have the hospital put the footprints right on the page in the book after they do the standard ones for the medical/hospital records :)! Also, I loved listening to music during labor – bring some small portable speakers for that iphone/ipod if you want!
P.S. Super duper cute pink tote – where is that from??!
Hey, I only did 6 books for K’s first year (at like 100 pages each!) – LOL 🙂 I do have a little calendar thing for milestones, and there are little photo places that would be perfect for a footprint. GOOD CALL Crissi!!! 🙂 (I only have the medical ones for K :()
Hubby’s in charge of music… but I better check on that task again 🙂
Wish I owned that bag… It is a cute stock photo 🙂
I’m an over-packer as well! 🙂 Petroleum jelly (use on the babe’s bum for the first few days… it keeps the meconium from sticking and makes diaper changes SO much easier!! Not sure if you can get it at the hospital?) Infant nail clippers… mine usually have quite a set on them when they are born! Also, a little pad of paper and pen… you never know what you need/want to jot down. We have everyone (nurses and docs too) guess the weight/length of the babe and keep those guesses to put in the scrapbooks along with notes from family/friends who come to visit. We also write down the progress at each check. It’s fun to look back on. 🙂 GoOd LuCk!
Why did no one tell me about petroleum jelly for the meconium with my first? That sounds like geniousness!!! Thanks for the tip!
Yes, note pad and pen – a must. But I forgot them in my 2 am packing 🙂
We brought towels to use after showering…as the ones at the hospital were super thin and almost useless.
Ahh yes… I forgot we did that for K too… Man, I am going to look like I am moving in! 🙂
I brought snacks for the hubby, my baby book for the footprints, and hair ties for when you are in labor. I was so hot and just wanted my hair out of my face! Oh and something gatorish (photo opt of little gator in the making 🙂 )!
LOL – hubby’s in charge of his own snacks 🙂 But I like the rest!
Good call on adding the ‘what not to pack’ list. I used your post as inspiration for my hospital bag checklist that I posted on my blog today. I put a link to this post on it too. Thank you!
You are most welcome… I am actually going to add a couple little updates right now – due to 2 false alarms this week 🙂
P.S. I’m due on 10/25 so we’re at about the same stages in our pregnancies I think.
Very close – I am due 10/9. Good luck and congrats!