I really enjoy being part of the online blogging community, and I love to read various mom blogs. But moms aren’t the only ones who blog, Dads do too. And soon after I joined a blogging community for moms I learned that one of my favorite blogs for freebies is a dad blog. (Yes, my mom community has dads in it too.) Matt’s blog is all about freebies, so until recently he had very little content other than freebies, but he is starting to branch out with some family tidbits here and there and it is fun to learn more about the man behind the freebies.
Not only is this freebie-loving guy a dad, but he is also very supportive of the blogging community, and I have to personally thank him for sponsoring me to go to my first blogging event – Brandcation – in November. I can’t wait for this event, I promise you will hear all about it, and I am very thankful to Matt and his blog It’s All Free Online for sponsoring me and helping me to go.
I think the awesomeness of Matt’s blog speaks for itself, so I wanted to tell you a little bit more behind this blogging dad. So, in his own words, here’s more about Matt 🙂
First and foremost, tell me about Junior.
My son just turned 5 years old. He’s becoming his own strong headed person who is driving me insane. However I love him to death and I am starting to mention some of our adventures on my site. It’s really allowing me to open up and share a part of me outside ‘freebies.’
(Matt, we love learning about you, share more! Especially videos!)
Not to pick on age or anything, but your a youngin’, I think you still check the 20 somethings box, right?
Yes, but I am getting old. I am 24 years old… The toughest part for me about getting older is my hair is thinning a bit.
Wait till you hit 30… then we can talk 🙂
Your a West Coaster aren’t ya?
Born and raised in San Diego, CA. I recently moved back to my old neighborhood and I’m loving it. It took me a while to really get on our feet having Matthew so young, among other things I went through at the time.
I’m back in my hometown too, on the opposite side of the country, isn’t it nice to be home?
Tell me about Mrs. Free Samples
I have to admit, we aren’t married, but I find it very unprofessional to say “my girlfriend.” We have been together for 6 years, we started dating right after highschool (but we’d been seeing each other before). As of right now we have no plans on getting married anytime soon, we rushed into enough. She can still be my “Mrs. Free Samples” though.
Hi Mrs. Free Samples!!!!
How old is your second child, It’s All Free Online?
It started in 2007, but we didn’t really start growing until we found Facebook in 2009. Since then we have been able to build an awesome social media community.
To the tune of 26,641 followers on Facebook – WOW!!!
Do you have any new projects up your sleeves that we should watch out for?
I am always working on something. I think the next thing to do for my site is to be the SOURCE of the free samples, instead of linking to third party sites. I am trying to go in that direction, we did one promotion so far offering 100 free samples of Salonpas.
Love this idea… I will keep my eye out for freebies from you!
Best Freebie Ever?
Best freebie ever? Definitely the one from the USPS. They offered a “sample showcase” that had tons of great products. My bigger joy is to hear what OTHER people think is the best one, then I feel like I’ve made a difference, at least for that day.
Ahhhhhhh… you make my day when I find a mailbox full of goodies!
Do you sign up for every freebies you post?
I sign up for a lot of what I share, sometimes just to test the form to make sure it’s going through and not giving out errors. I hate posting something and then have people have trouble with it.
Don’t we all! Note to all readers: we bloggers try REALLY hard to put out good stuff… but sometimes companies don’t follow through or things are just wrong. We never mean to put out miss-info, but from time to time mistakes happen…
So what do you do with all those freebies?
I am currently constructing freebie mountain amusement park. Seriously, I kind of just collect them. Right now I probably have 10 laundry related freebies sitting in the closet? I currently see about 4-5 freebies on my desk and dozens are next to me on the floor. I think we should of gotten a bedroom just for my freebies.
Laundry party at Matt’s house! LOL!
Anything else to share?
Thank you for interviewing me, it was fun and I hope my readers (as well as yours) enjoy this little bit of me. I am glad I was able to help out in your trip and I hope you have a great time!
Me too Matt, thanks for supporting me! I hear you are also supporting a couple other moms for this trip too, so thanks for supporting us all. And thanks for all the great freebies.
Learn about all the freebies you can sign up for right now at www.ItsAllFreeOnline.com. I recommended his Facebook page too so you never miss a deal.
Thank you so much, the interview looks great 🙂
Love your site !
Thanks for posting that. I am on Matt’s Facebook page several times daily, and have chatted with him in his “chat room” a couple times. Nice to get to get to know a little bit about him. I started doing the freebies a few months back, and that has gotten me started doing intense couponing for free and almost free groceries! I think I save about 75% a week in groceries, and it all began with “it’s all free online”!
Thanks for the post 🙂
Great interview 😉
I love the interview! Matt does show his “real life” in his blog, as well as when chatting with us. He’s a good guy that cares about his readers in a way I’ve not seen when reading blogs. He gets in touch with his “mommy” side lol. His site offers tons of great freebies as well as deals, which helps out tons with this economy. As a military wife and mom of a 2 yr old with another on the way, any freebie helps! And Matt helps with giveaways, finding the freebies, posting what we find, and taking time out of his personal life to get in touch with these companies to offer us great freebies, such as he did with Salonpas, which I absolutely love. I can truly say that most of us on the free samples page have become sort of like a little free samples family. We enjoy living on the page, and chatting in the chat room, and just posting in general. Whether its about what we got, whats offered, or just how we’re doing. Its nice having Matt and his site. And Mrs FS joined the chat the other night, and she is just as sweet! I personally want to thank Matt and Mrs FS and FS Jr. They are a great family, and we all enjoy having them around.
I am on Matt’s facebook page and I have a sample addiction…lol. Matt does a great job of posting the samples and it’s so fun!!! I really enjoy the site….
Great interview! I’m also a proud member of our free samples family & totally love it. I can’t believe how much the facebook site has grown since I’ve been a fan (almost a year). I love all the freebies & appreciate all the time Matt puts into satisfying our addiction :). Thanks for everything!
That’s awesome. I’m one of Matt’s facebook fans as well!
Totally cool! Matt rocks and it’s all free online rocks too! I have got a lot of free stuff from that site!
Great interview!
It’s just not fair that Matt is only 24 though.
Great interview, and nice to learn some stuff about the freebie guru himself!
Matt basically rocks. His site is da bomb and so is he! Yea!!!
Wonderful interview!!!
Great interview. Learned a lot and so happy for you to get his sponsorship.
Great Interview! It is so fun to learn about those sharing the great deals and freebies!
“Yes, but I am getting old. I am 24 years old… ” hahahah! OLD????? Matt rocks! Thanks Matt!!!
Matt is the best! Can’t wait to see where he goes. 🙂
What’s wrong with me being 24 @Kim?!
Great interview! I’m off to visit Matt’s site…
How fabulous that Matt is sponsoring you for Brandcation, I am SO looking forward to meeting you. I love Matt’s blog and all the free things that he offers. My favorite post lately was the one of his son playing with his new car and then him trying to promote daddy’s blog… Too cute!
Thanks for a great interview.