If you a regular to my blog, I think it goes without saying that I LOVE a good deal and I love coupons. Box Tops for Education are no exception. Several years ago, pre-kid, I learned about Box Tops for Education and what they were all about. Even though I had no child of my own, I started collecting them. Periodically, when my collection was respectable I mailed them to family in Boston or gave them to neighbors for their schools. To me throwing them away is like throwing away money, so I collect them like gold. With my daughter entering pre-school for the first time in a few weeks, I have been saving up again in case her school takes them. If her school doesn’t take them, the elementary school she will attend later does so I will be sending them there. I think it is an easy and important way to support the local school system even before my daughter attends.
Box Tops for Education can be found on tons of products. I bet that if you look in your pantry right now you will find something with one. So, if you haven’t been saving them for schools, I encourage you to start today. If you really need somewhere to send them email me, you can always send them to me and I will get them to my daughter’s future elementary school 🙂
For you collectors, like myself, Sam’s Club and General Mills are offering bonus Box Tops on participating products through the end of August. So now not only do your bucks go further at Sam’s Club but so do your Box Tops. PLUS if you hurry in before Aug 13, Sam’s Club is also offering even more Box Tops when you upgrade to a “Plus Membership.” From Aug. 6 – Aug. 13, or while supplies last, visit the Member Services Desk of your local Sam´s Club and upon payment for your Plus Membership, you will receive a certificate for 150 Bonus Box Tops!
Buy it – Buy any of these Box Tops for Education participating products to earn $ for your school. Remember each “Box Top” is worth $0.10 so add it up!
Win it – One lucky TheSuburbanMom reader will win a $25 gift card to Sam’s Club to shop for your fav Box Tops for Education brands.
Mandatory Entry – To enter, tell me if you save your Box Tops for Education.
Additional entries:
- Sign up for my newsletter. (You must confirm your subscription – thanks.)
- Follow TheSuburbanMom on Twitter ( @SuburbanMomClub) and tweet about this give away. “Enter to #win a $25 GC to Sam’s from TheSuburbanMom @SuburbanMomClub #giveaway @http://wp.me/pQHaE-1du”
- Become a fan of TheSuburbanMom on Facebook. (Already a fan, that counts too, just leave a comment.)
- Subscribe to TheSuburbanMom’s RSS Feed
- Leave a comment on any other post on my blog, including entering another giveaway! (1 entry)
Contest ends August 24, 2010 at 11:59 pm. Open to U.S. residents in the continental U.S. only. Winning comment will be chosen at random by Random.org and contacted for shipping information. Winner will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
Discloser – I was provided a Sam’s gift card and membership upgrade for this review through MyBlogSpark and the gift card is being provided for the giveaway, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. No other compensation was received.
I do save them for my son’s elementary school– Glenmont Elementary!
I get the newsletter!
fan on FB
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entered chocomize giveaway
I save BTFE for my school.
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@tcarolinep follower .http://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/20824540671
FB fan@tcarolinep JEssieKatie s
RSS feed subscriber.
I don’t save them but I plan to once my son starts kindergarten later this month.
I do not but I plan on starting…I have to start somewhere.
Of course I collect my Box Tops! I have been giving them all to my sons’ preschool, but now that I will have one child in elementary and one child in preschool I will be splitting my box tops between the schools!
I am a subscriber.
I am a facebook fan!.
I entered the chocomoxie giveaway too!
I don’t currently save my boxtops, but I should!
I follow on twitter and I tweeted! http://twitter.com/reynoldsmom/status/20908653818
I “Like” you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
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I entered your Chocomize giveaway!
I save for my daughter’s elementary school; every month there’s a prize for the classroom that brings in the most Boxtops.
Twitter follower and I tweeted:
I like you on Facebook: Michelle Hudak
I get your rss feed via Google Reader
I do save them.
I save box tops sometimes.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/amandawk/status/20913127509
I follow via RSS.
I’ve saved and donated Boxtops for Education to local schools for many years!
I am an e-mail subscriber.
I definitely save my box tops! My daughter’s class is trying to save up for a computer.
I’m a Facebook fan – my username is Amanda Moore
I entered your Chocomiz giveaway
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/20927467260
yes do save
I used to save them for my son’s school when he was in elementary school, but he will be a senior in high school this year, so I have not saved them for a while.
Following and tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/status/20940501796
No, I don’t currently save them…but I do buy these products, so maybe I’ll start!
I do collect box tops and I donate them to my friends who have kids in grade school. When my kids start attending, I will donate to their school.
member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
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member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
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member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
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member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com
I just recently started saving box tops now that my kids are going to be in public school.
I save them for a friends kid
Absolutely, it’s easy money for the schools. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Yes, I save and collect them as I’m the coordinator for a very, very small private Christian school.
I save them for my daughter’s school.
Yes and donate them to a Christian school
I don’t save them at this time. Maybe in the future.
I save the boxtops.
Follow on Twitter andtweeted. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/21003565032
Subscribe in Google Reader.
Like on Facebook.
I do save my Boxtops for the school I work at.
Yes, I save boxtops for my daughter’s school!
I save my boxtops.
I always save mine for my grandson’s school.
I follow on Twitter @eswright18 and tweeted
I do save them, I was like you and saved them before my daughter started school. I sent them to the school she goes to now, because her cousins went there!
Twitter follower {@mom2anutball}, and tweeted!
lease and thank you
sure do!
autumn398 @ yahoo.com
Entered the Dakotas Gifts giveaway.
yes i save them for our elementary school
email subscriber
follow and tweeted
like TSM on facebook-lmurley2000
we buy cherrios
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follow and tweeted
Yep, I save them all year and give them to the school when the kiddo goes back each year.Thanks for the chance.
I do save them for my son’s school.
I do not because i don’t have kids yet!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I do save them for my BFF who’s kids are still school age.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
My kids are grown and I no longer save Box Tops for Education.
I don’t currently save Box Tops for Education but will be starting in September when my granddaughter starts Kindergarten.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Yes, I save boxtops.
Like you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
I save the boxtops and have for years.
yes, i save box tops
Yes, I do save my Box Tops for Education.
We do collect box tops. I’m actually in charge of them this year for our school. Thank you!
I don’t save them because I don’t have kids
I don’t save box tops because I don’t have little ones!
Email subscriber: katyjv1988(@)yahoo(dot)com
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I do save them and give them to my DIL. I also save top from cans for my neighbor so she gives them to the school in town
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Entered Top 5 Tips for Vacation + Giveaway
We just started saving them! My son is in preschool.
I got into the habit when my children were in school, and now I save them for my grandchildren.
Entered the Country Bob giveaway.
I save our Box Tops for Education for our neighbors daughter.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/njhhb/statuses/21616679363
I save them to give to a friend
newsletter subscriber
follow and tweeted http://twitter.com/hcwpw/status/21622903368
fb fan
rss subscriber
entered dakota’s gifts giveaway
I save my Box Tops – and then give them to my coworker so her grandkids can take them in!
I save them and give them to my boyfriend’s mother and she takes them to the school.
We save our Boxtops for Education for my daughter’s school.
I save them to give to a neighbor.
I save my Box Tops and give them to a friend!
i do save them
NO, I DON’T BUT I SHOULD! kytah00@yahoo.com
Yes, I save and I have my parents save them too!
tweeted: http://twitter.com/KerryBishop/statuses/21912838033
We save our BTFE and our extended family saves them for us as well to send to our children’s school.
I ma a Newsletter Subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I am subscribed via Google Reader.
Of course I save them! I’ve got a big bag of them ready to go for when school starts up again. Thanks for the giveaway!
I save them!
Facebook fan
FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER USER NAME “kytah00” & TWEETED @ http://twitter.com/kytah00/status/21942042227 kytah00@yahoo.com
LIKED YOUR BLOG ON FACEBOOK VIA ANGEL JACKLYN facebook.com/kytah00 kytah00@yahoo.com
I do save my boxtops..my little one would be upset if I didnt 😉
Tweeted here
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FB name is Tammy Kennedy Klain
yep we save them
I save them for friends since I homeschool.
Rss subscriber
I haven’t saved them yet but my son just started 1st grade so I’d like to start.
We save our boxtops!
Yes, I save box tops for education for our local school.
Yes, my daughter’s school does the Box Top program so I collect them. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I do save 🙂
My granddaughter is home schooled, but I save them for a friend of my daughter’s. They are included in her annual Christmas card.
Yes, we have saved them for a long time
CalifKitties (AT) aol.com
E-mail subscriber
CalifKitties (AT) aol.com
I like you on Facebook – Kristine Peacock
CalifKitties {at} AOL.COM
I save them to give to a friend. Thanks
Subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader
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We definitely save our Box Tops.
I remember helping my mom save them when I was in school, however, my two little ones aren’t school-aged, so I don’t save my box tops…yet. 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
mybabyblessings [at] gmail [dot] com
I save them for my niece and nephew
I do save them and send them with my son to school!
fb fan
i save the box tops for education and give them to my mother who turns them in
I save them, thanks for the chance!
Yes, I save Box tops. My son goes to a small school that needs all the help it can get.
Google reader subscriber.
Email subscriber.
I definitely save box tops! My neighbors that don’t have kids save them for us now too!
I’m an rss subscriber
I’m an email subscriber
Yes, we save Box Tops for my childrens school
facebook fan
No we dont save them but used to
I’m a fan of TheSuburbanMom on Facebook.
id Emma Peel
I`m Subscribed to TheSuburbanMom’s RSS Feed
I save the Box Tops! : )
I save Box Tops.
I don’t save them because I don’t know any school age kids. I have been thinking about starting though.
I signed up for your newsletter.
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ID: Fio Nen
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I entered your Monopoly giveaway.
daily tweet
I don’t save mine.
Follow you on Twitter- @chryskay
I do save them for my children’s school. Thanks.
Subscribed to feed. Thanks.
I don’t save them.
Yes I save them and give them to the school.
email subscriber
follow on twitter and tweeted
fb fan – g. mckellar
subscribe to feed via google reader
I give them to my niece.
I’ve saved Boxtops for local schools for many years!
I am also an e-mail subscriber.
Yes, I save boxtops for my daughter’s school. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway…we save your Box Tops for Education for our kid’s school.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero
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senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Sometimes. I’m not in school anymore, but I give them to my neighbors sometimes.
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
Yes, I save them!
I’m following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
tweet https://twitter.com/LuckyJinxy/status/22056744084
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed in my Google Reader.
I like you on Facebook.
I save them and mail them to my mom.
Yes I do save Box Tops for Education
kimbly at g mail dot com
I do save them.
Yes I save them and split them between a coworker of my husbands and are neighbor thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
i am a facebook fan (mrstinareynolds)
i subscribe
i follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/mrstinareynolds/status/22058942432
I definitely save my box tops.
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Dana J Valle
I am now subscribing through google reader.
I entered the monopoly giveaway.
for kids school