Today is the start of a new month, a month known for Orange, Black and PINK! That’s right, pink! In addition to Halloween, October has become known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (I know you already knew that, just a reminder.)
A cause near and dear to the hearts of women across the country, like so many others I have a family tie to this disease. My Grandmother is a Breast Cancer Survivor and my Aunt is currently battling this demon.
This month, lots of companies make it easy to support the Susan G Komen foundation and other foundations for breast cancer awareness and research. Here are some EASY ways you can help!
1) Click on The Breast Cancer Site every day! If you aren’t familiar with this site yet, take 1 minute to check it out now and 30 seconds a day to click on it. For every person who clicks on this site every day mammograms are funded for those who would not otherwise be able to afford them. I promise, it is free (unless you decide to go shopping while you are there) and quick. Click now!
2) Become a fan of The Breast Cancer Site on Facebook! This is one of my favorite Facebook fan pages because it reminds me to click daily with its status updates. Right now the page is running a campaign for 1 million users. When the page reaches 1 million fans, $100,000 will be donated for breast cancer research! Currently, there are more than 300,000 fans. Become a fan today and help reach that goal, you will also be reminded to click daily for more donations to this worthy cause. (Oh and while you are on Facebook, become a fan of TheSuburbanMom so you don’t miss any posts!)
3) Use your P&G coupons. Coupons from the 9/27 P&G flyer announced that for every redemption of on of those coupons a $0.02 donation is to be made to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Double benefits – saving you money and helping a worthy cause!
4) Buy your favorite products ink Pink this month. There are tons of products out there that have repackaged themselves in pink to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness. Most of these products will also make a small donation for every product purchased to a breast cancer foundation – just be sure to read the fine print.
That’s 4 quick ways you can be a part of this movement without spending an extra dime (even saving money!). Do your part – click today!
Thanks for the awareness i will go to facebook and be sure to support this page.