Recipes Featuring Florida Product

8 Florida Produce Recipes

There’s nothing better than fresh fruit and veggies on the dinner table, and some of our favorite recipes feature fresh Florida produce. If you are looking for some ideas to bring seasonal flavors to the table try these 8 recipes featuring Florida product. And find even more fresh recipes from Fresh from Florida.

30 Pumpkin Recipes

30+ Pumpkin Recipes

It is that wonderful time of year when we pumpkin all things – otherwise known as fall. Yummy! Pumpkins aren’t just fun to carve, the are delicious too! Since I can’t get enough pumpkin, I rounded up 30+ pumpkin recipes that will make your mouth water – pumpkin drinks, pumpkin …

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25+ Apple Dessert Recipes

25 Apple Dessert Recipes

Can you smell the crisp fall air coming? It’s nearly fall and nothing says fall like a warm apple dessert baking in the oven. Apple pie, apple muffins, apple cookies, apple ice cream, caramel apples and more here are 25+ mouth-watering apple dessert recipes. Commence drooling now. 25 Apple Dessert …

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10 Easy (Cheat) Dinner Recipes

10 Easy (Cheat) Dinner Recipes

Lately we have been trying to break out of the mealtime rut, you know when you find yourself realizing that for the past month you have had the same five meals every week — yep, that’s my house. In an effort to introduce some new flavors into our menu, I …

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Oreo Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies Christmas

Oreo Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies Recipe

Each year a friend hosts a cookie exchange party of epic proportions. (One year she had us all bake 13 dozen cookies.) Her party is epic, and my status is legendary. The first year, I made Christmas Tree Sprits cookies. They were great, but so did someone else. Boo. Year two I …

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