2016 Holiday Barbie Review

This post is sponsored by Mattel on behalf of Women’s Forum.

When I was a girl, my favorite Barbies were my Peaches ‘N Cream Barbie and my 1989 Holiday Barbie. They were beautiful in their stunning gowns, and they were my pride and joy. But while I played with my Peaches ‘N Cream Barbie regularly, my 1989 Holiday Barbie held a special place of honor – sealed in her box on the shelf. To this day my husband teases me about my Barbie who remained in the box, but I loved her just so and each year I looked forward to bringing her out and placing her on the shelf with my other Christmas decorations.

Fast forward to today, I am the mother of two daughters (with another on the way), and I am thrilled to share my love for Barbie with my girls. This, of course, includes our shared love for the annual Holiday Barbie.

2016 Holiday Barbie In Box

2016 Holiday Barbie

Isn’t she lovely?! This year, the 2016 Holiday Barbie™ Doll comes in a special box that looks like a snow globe, and while it broke my inner child’s heart to remove her from her pretty encasement, my daughter couldn’t wait to hold her in her hands – sans box. (Why yes, I might have been an odd child.)

Unlike my 1989 version, today’s Holiday Barbie, the Peace, Hope, Love Collection, comes in three jewel tone varieties.

2016 Holiday Barbie Collection

In their lovely ombre dresses the trio of 2016 Holiday Barbies each wear a fancy bracelet, a detailed bodice and a glittered skirt. Each doll also comes with her own stand, which is perfect to display her in between play time. Even out of her box, she is both a toy and beautiful Christmas decoration.

2016 Holiday Barbie Close

K was overjoyed to receive the 2016 Holiday Barbie, and she couldn’t stop ohhing and ahhhing over her. Since we have two Barbie fans in the house, I do believe we will need a second Holiday Barbie for my other daughter. Perhaps Santa will make that happen.

2016 Holiday Barbie Gift

The 2016 Holiday Barbie is a wonderful gift for daughters, and I hope my girls will treasure their dolls for many years and the memory of the dolls for always. Wouldn’t that be the most magical of all Christmas gifts?

The 2016 Holiday Barbie retails for $39.95. Collect a new Holiday Barbie each holiday season. Which Barbie will you choose this year? 

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