New Juicy Fruit Gum With Starburst Flavor + Coupon

This post brought to you by Wrigley Jr. Company. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Suburban Mom.

I have a mega sweet tooth — MEGA. I gave up on New Year’s resolutions to cut out sugar a long time ago because, well, by January 2 I usually give up on such resolutions. I need a sweet afternoon (and morning, evening and late night) pick-me-up. I need it!

With my sweet tooth and my love for Starburst, I was excited to learn about Juicy Fruit gum with Starburst flavor

Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum
Juicy Fruit gum plus the flavor of Starburst?! It sounds like a tasty, sugar-free way to satisfy my sweet tooth. 

I used to chew gum all of the time, but I have really gotten out of the habit since having kids. Because they always want what Mom has, and kids + gum = danger. (Neither of my kids are good gum chewers.) But since the worst snacking time for me is while I am working (not with kids), candy flavored gum could be the answer to not eating a handful of candy. 

Juicy Fruit Gum With Starburst Flavor Coupon

Juicy Fruit gum with Starburst flavor is available in Cherry and Strawberry flavors. I found multipacks of each flavor at Target on an end cap in the candy section. The multipacks are currently on sale 2 for $4, and you can save even more with a printable coupon for $.75 off a multipack. That makes a multipack just $1.25 for 45 sticks of gum! Target also has coupons for $.50 off two single packs. 

Save Now at Target!   

Juicy Fruit Starburst Gum Target
So the big question… how does it taste? Juicy Fruit gum with Starburst flavor tastes just like biting into a Starburst candy. Nom, nom, nom. I am impressed how well they were able to translate my favorite Starburst flavor (cherry) into gum. 

As for helping to satisfy my sweet tooth. I am happy to report that today I had one stick of sugar-free Juicy Fruit gum with Starburst flavor and no afternoon cookies. It’s a step!

Try new Juicy Fruit gum with Starburst flavor and save now at Target.

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16 thoughts on “New Juicy Fruit Gum With Starburst Flavor + Coupon”

  1. My son and I would love to try the New Starburst gum. We love Starburst and know that it would taste delicious in gum. I will have to pick some up soon!

  2. This sounds interesting, I love Starburst candy and Juicy Fruit gum but the combination is definitely a new way to enjoy. Gotta pick up some from Target next time.

  3. My grandmother always carried a pack of Juicy Fruit in her purse. Always! We would sneak in and grab one, and there would always be a new pack soon! I would love to try the new spin on the old flavor!


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