Safe Drive Systems: The Solution To The Distracted Driving ~ Giveaway

When driving with kids in the car, distractions are inevitable. From loud shrieks to requests for snacks and many requests for a music change, there is no such thing as a silent ride with kids. Unless, of course, you fail to keep your kid awake for the quick trip home (yet another distraction), in which case silence means there will be no afternoon nap. Sigh.

Sleeping Car Seat
Moms learn quickly to tune out the unnecessary distractions, but kids are persistent and according to a survey from Safe Drive Systems 64% of us admit to turning around at least once per outing to soothe our babies or small children. I know I have done it.

Sadly, moms are three times more likely to crash with a baby in the car, and more than 50% of mom-related crashes happen within 10 miles of home. Kids distract drives, it is just a fact of life.

So what can we do?

Outside of leaving the kids home all of the time, there isn’t much you can do to keep them happy all of the time. (I know, I have tried!)  But you can make it a habit of declining requests. For example, in our car we have a rule about dropped items — if you drop if, you don’t get it back until we get out of the car.

Another way to limit requests is to make sure that kids have everything they need — including a snack and a drink within reach so they can help themselves without asking you.

But the problem is that just one distraction could be the difference between a safe ride home and an accident. 

Turning around to help your kids is the same as jumping out of your car and allowing it to travel 176 feet with no one behind the wheel.

Safe Drive Systems

With Safe Drive Systems you can further protect yourself and your family from distracted driving with an audible alert that indicates if you get to close to a car in front or to the side of you. Safe Drive uses a radar detector and a video camera mounted on your car to instantly collect and analyze data about your surroundings.

Safe Drive
If you get to close to a car either in front of you or in the lane next to you a beeping noise and red and green lights on the unit alert you to potential danger.

Approximately 90% of rear-end collisions can be avoided if the driver is warned 1.5 seconds in advance, and that is exactly what Safe Drive does — alerts you to danger before a potential incident.

Another distraction I deal with regularly is the rain — hello Florida! Safe Drive works regardless of the weather, so even if your visibility is impaired Safe Drive can still alert you to potential dangers and lower your chances of rear-end collisions by 60-90%. To help you protect your precious cargo.

Toddler Car Seat
I’ve often said I could get a lot more done with an extra set of arms. So would it be nice to have an extra set of eyes on the road focused on collision prevention?

Learn more about how Safe Drive can help keep your family safe and give you peace of mind.





One lucky winner will win a Safe Drive System. To enter fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

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For more information on Safe Drive Systems, please call (800) 735-6055 or fill out the form here.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of SafeDrive Systems. The opinions and text are all mine.