Transfer Any Image To A Glass Plate

A few months ago, a friend gave me a challenge – to create a DIY tabletop display for independent sales reps. I had this idea for an image transfer to glass that I had been wanting to try for a while so it seemed like the perfect time to test it out. The result is a DIY glass plate that can be created from any image.

My friend had just started selling Younique, so I used the company’s logo and colors to test my project. Since she had just started selling Younique, I thought I would mail her the plate when I was done, but then I decided to become an independent sale rep with Younique so I kept the plate.

Younique Craft Project
*** Even though I used Younique, this could be created with any logo or even a photo. The possibilities are endless.***

Looking for an easy way to spruce up your tabletop display? This easy, yet striking project will look pretty on your table and get the conversation started with potential customers, everyone will want to know how you made it. And although it looks complicated and there are several steps, it is really quite simple to create – I promise. Each step takes only a few minutes; the biggest time involved is drying time in between.

Once you have your plate, the possibilities for its use are endless — display business cards or product, place it on a plate stand to serve as a background to give your display height, serve candy or even cookies on it.


  • Mod Podge – Glossy or Matte
  • Sponge Brush
  • Glass Plate from the Dollar Store
  • LASER copy of your logo
  • Tissue Paper
  • Water


Print a copy of your logo on a laser printer. If you don’t have one, go to a copy store. An inkjet printer image will not transfer well. Once you have your image, cut the image to fit the bottom of your plate.

Image Transfer Glass Mod Podge Younique
Brush a generous layer of Mod Podge onto your image, and adhere it onto the outside of your glass plate. Smooth out any air bubbles, but be careful the paper tears easily. Allow it to dry overnight.

Mod Podge Image Transfer Glass
Once dry, wet the plate with a sponge and rub off the paper. Do not use your fingernails to scrape – just rub. When all of the paper fibers have been removed, your image along with an opaque background will remain. Allow the plate to dry.

Tip – remove every bit of paper you can, otherwise you will see it later. I suggest letting it sit for a bit, then come back and rewet it and rub some more.

Younique Logo Transfer
Trace your plate onto tissue or other decorative paper for the background and it cut out.

When the plate is dry brush another generous layer of Mod Podge directly onto the back of the plate (both over the image and up the sides) and carefully place the tissue paper circle on your plate. Smooth out wrinkles and bubbles with your fingers, but taking care not to rip the paper.

Mod Podge Decorative Plate
Allow the plate to dry, and then apply two coats of Mod Podge to the back of the tissue paper to seal your project.

Younique Decorative DIY Plate
To clean – do not submerge the plate in water, clean with a damp cloth so as to not damage the paper backing.

There you have it, and easy decorative plate with any image or logo you can think of.

WHAT?!!? You haven’t heard of Younique yet? You must see the amazing results of Younique 3D Fiber Lashes for yourself!

Younique 3D Fiber Lashes 

11 thoughts on “Transfer Any Image To A Glass Plate”

  1. Hi. Thank you for this simple technique. I have tow questions. First can I use medium gel instead of the mod podge white glue? Can we use the plate for food serving and thus wash it afterwards? Thank you in advance.

    • Medium gel is very different than Mod Podge, so I don’t believe it would work the same. (Although I haven’t tried it.) If you transfer your image to the back of the plate, like I did, then yes, you could serve food on it. It must be carefully handwashed, and I wouldn’t wash the back of the plate. But you could serve cookies or something simple on top of the plate.

  2. Hi so I came across your post and LOVE your idea. That being said I am NOT crafty at all. I was wondering if perhaps you would be willing to make some plates fir my presenters table? If you could possibly email me if you are willing and we could discuss price. Thank you so much and these look GORGEOUS!

  3. When i tried this the white paper with mod podge on it stayed on the paper. Is there any way to get just the image to stay on the glass, plate or mirror? Any ideas why my whole cut out stays instead of peeling off?? Please help!!

    • Hi Misty – Once the Mod Podge is dry, you have to wet the paper thoroughly and rub off the white paper bit by bit. What should be left behind is the image and a clear film of the Mod podge. You MUST use a laser printer for this to work, a regular ink jet printer will not work.

  4. Ggggrrr then i dont know what i am doing wrong. I have a laser printer and the paper rubs off like it should (i think ha). But everywhere the mod podge was, on the white paper, the mod just stays on there, its like the image stays on and the paper comes off but the mod podge dries white and stays on too. I have used two different transfer gels and this is happening with both… I can send pictures if none of this makes sense. Thank you so much for your help!!

    • The Mod Podge won’t come off, it should stay on there to hold the image on. But when it dries is should be clear – a bit opaque, but clear. The plate will never be completely clear. That’s why on my plate. Even though my image was small in the center, I used Mod Podge to attach the whole center circle. That way the whole bottom had the “film” on it. Not just the outline of my image. Feel free to email me pictures if you like 🙂


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