Yes, You Do Need To Protect Your Tablet

Tablet computers seem to be the way of the future. So many people have them now. Some schools even hand them out to kids. It’s easy to look at a tablet the same way we might look at our smart phones—relatively secure and unlikely to be hacked—but the truth is that tablets are fully functional computers and, as such, they are just as vulnerable to attacks as any laptop or desktop terminal.

Bridging the Tech Gap

According to Techopedia, one of the reasons that people usually overlook their tablets’ security is that the tablet is often seen as bridge or interim technology when the user is away from his or her primary computer and needs more than a Smartphone to accomplish a task. Most of the time these tasks are entertainment or social media related though many people have said that they find checking their email a lot easier to accomplish on a tablet computer than on a phone.

Rules Are Made to Be Broken (if You’re a Hacker)

The majority of the tablet world’s security issues seem to be aimed at Android enabled tablet devices. This is probably because of the “permissions” Android sets up for all of its apps. There is a fantastic article about Android permissions and why they are so easily targeted (both on your laptop and on any computer that uses Google Chrome) over at MakeUseOf.Com that explains permissions and how they affect your Android Tablet’s security.

So what can you do? How do you make sure that your Android Tablet is as secure as possible?

Tablet Tips

Tips and Tricks for Securing Your Tablet

Know where the threats are coming fromThis infographic published by the Trend Micro Security Blog shows you which android security threats are the most worth worrying about. Knowing who and what to worry about helps you make sure that have the security measures you need in place.

Find some solid threat protection software: The great thing about Android devices (as opposed to iPads) is that the marketplace is open, which allows pretty much anybody to sell threat protection software independently. All of the major protection providers have software that you can download and you get to choose which tablet security program you like the best and go with that.

Use at least basic protection measures: About a year ago, I wrote a post about ways to keep your personal information protected online. Here are a few additional things that you can do to protect your personal info when it comes to your tablet:

  • Make sure your privacy settings are set to the strictest levels. You might have to go into the settings for your individual apps to do this but trust me: it’s worth the time.
  • Be careful when you use your tabled as a Wi-Fi hotspot. It can create a “back door” for hackers to get into your system and lets them piggyback on your network, draining your tablet’s battery and diminishing its capabilities.
  • You don’t just have to worry about someone getting into your system and stealing passwords, you also have to worry about someone taking the tablet itself. Install a tracking software that locks down your tablet when someone puts in the wrong password (after a few tries) and then pings local towers so that you can track it down and get it back.

Remember, your tablet is a computer. It needs to be protected just as much as your desktop, laptop or even your cell phone!

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