Wait Till You See The Results From The Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Challenge ~ 2 Winner Giveaway

I’ve always thought my vacuum did a good job. I mean the floors look clean, and I can see the dirt it sucked up. That’s all I can ask for, right? Not so fast. I am shocked – shocked – by how much my vacuum has been leaving behind.

The first time I took the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum out of the box, I had been crafting and punching out tiny holes. So even though I had just vacuumed my small area rug a couple of days prior, I gave the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum a whirl instead of picking up the mess by hand. 

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Review

Actually, I had my hands full so my husband gave it a vacuum, and as soon as he started he said, “Wow this thing has some suction.”

Then we looked at the results, from half of the rug, not only did all of my confetti come up, but oh my stars the dust and dirt was gross. Hello, I just vacuumed three days prior! Clearly, I needed to vacuum the whole rug.

This was the gunk from our 10×6 area rug that had been vacuumed three days prior. Crazy, right?

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Dust Chamber

When I received the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to review I was asked to take a “real-life challenge.” My challenge was to crush a baggie of cereal and sprinkle it all over the carpet – you know, the way kids do. I even rubbed some of it into the carpet the way my daughter does when she is “helps” clean up a mess.

Now, before I go further I have to tell you. I took the real-life challenge after a full day of cleaning, which included vacuuming the whole house with my old vacuum — including the carpet in my daughter’s room where we performed the challenge. (Why did I use my old vac instead of the new one? Habit. But it makes a good story, so stick with me.)

Here we go — big mess on clean floor.

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Challenge

After one pass, most of the mess was gone, but the itty bitty crumbs were still ground into the carpet where I rubbed them in. 

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Review

A couple more quick passes, and the mess was gone. Challenge accomplished.

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Carpet

When I checked inside the canister, that is when I became shocked. In order to clean up the cereal mess, I vacuumed an area approximately 3 x 5 feet in my daughter’s room AFTER vacuuming it earlier in the day. This is what I found in my canister!

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Results

Do you see that giant dust bunny?I swear, I vacuumed earlier in the day. And this was a small 3×5 area. What in the world was my old vacuum sucking up?

I don’t know about you, but that’s gross.

After dumping the contents into the trash can, I discovered one more important detail about the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum. In addition to the dust, hair and cereal crumbs, my trash can is filled with glitter (which is really hard to see in the picture, but I promise it is there). I am a crafter, and I have two small princesses, so glitter is a state of being in this house. The Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum actually sucked glitter out of carpet that I didn’t even realize was there. That is impressive!

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Results Dirt Glitter

Now, I will note that my old vacuum is eight years old. However, commercials for my old vac promise that the brand never looses suction. I am not naming any names but… the sticker on my Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum appears to be true…

So how much does this workhorse cost? The Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum is $98.96 from Walmart. Honestly, I didn’t think you could get a vacuum that worked this well for less than $100! 

Note, I make no promises that the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum will get your husband to help with vacuuming. But my husband likes to play with any new toy, even a new vacuum… so maybe…

Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum

Oh, and in case you can’t tell from the name of this vacuum (Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum), it cleans hard floors too. It does great on my tile floor, I was just super impressed by the carpet deep cleaning.


TWO lucky winners will receive a Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum. 

To enter, please take advantage of the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

303 thoughts on “Wait Till You See The Results From The Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum Challenge ~ 2 Winner Giveaway”

  1. Cat and dog hair, and blegh…litter. Sometimes the bag with the litter rips…it’s not fun.

    (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

  2. My toughest mess is when we moved into the place we are now we had to clean out the furnace. My husband set the furnace panel on the rug in the bedroom and proceeded to dust it. Dust chunks were spread all over the floor by the time I got into the room and it was too late. We tried vacuuming over it several times but it just wouldn’t pick them out of the carpet. In the end, I had to get on the floor and pick it all out by hand. That was the toughest mess and I think I lost a little respect for my vacuum that day. Haha

  3. The more people in the house, the greater the foot traffic. And foot traffic correlates to increase in anything and everything that can be tracked in. That said, we have allergy issues so the pollen and irritants need to contained.

  4. Awesome giveaway, the toughest messes would be my kids dragging dirt/mud chucks through the house. We live by a creek and they always have muddy boots or shoes and never take them off when they are supposed to.

  5. I get the worst messes from our pets. The dogs track in ick and they and the kitty are great shedders. The fur is super hard to get up.

  6. We are a family of 6… Dog included- everyday is a mess! I’m constantly sweeping, dusting, & vacuuming – and each time I manage to get those disgusting “dust bunnies” just blows my mind… I can’t imagine where they come from- and I move furniture in a reg basis when cleaning!

  7. We have four children and a cocker spaniel. The kids constantly drop stuff and the cocker spaniel seems to always have big fur balls that follow him around the house even after I sweep! <3 Everyday life is my biggest mess to clean up. 🙂

  8. Definitely the carpet in my daughter’s’ playroom/art room. There is everything from glitter to googly eyes on that floor, plus an assortment of dried Play-Doh pebbles, chalk dust and crayon shards.

  9. Cat hair is the main mess… then there are messes like the toddler sneaking into glitter or flour or ripping open a bag of garden soil that was on the patio lol.

  10. Big mess would be when I clip my sons or mine toenails and than the dogs. And just simple little things that get on the floor. I am a neat freak sometimes when it comes to my bedroom and other living rooms.

  11. I have five dogs, three cats, a daughter with butt-length hair, and my daughter and I are always working on sewing and craft projects, so we get a lot of thread and other scraps on the floor. We really need a vacuum like this!

  12. I think the day to day messes from my 3 kids all the dirt from them going in and out, hair on the floor from hair cuts… the dog… all kinds of things to clean up!

  13. Boy, I sure could have used this about a week ago when I forgot about 10 eggs on the stove top. They exploded all over the kitchen. The floor was covered in eggs and shell. What a mess! I am still finding tiny bits. All I have is a chargeable vacuum and that’s not cutting it.

  14. We have 3 dogs that are in and out all the time…so it is lots of tracked in grit and dirt plus never ending dog hair around here. I am looking for a good vacuum that can really get up the mess. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

  15. thick, old carpets, where the carpet actually comes out if the suction is too heavy. it’s a delicate balance with what we’ve got. lol. i bet the eureka could tackle it!

  16. We have two dogs and a cat, keepin on top of the fur is nearly impossible…I also have two young children and a teenager as well as many family members who are always in and out, needless to say our house is a busy, and sometimes messy place!

  17. The toughest messes I have to vacuum that will put the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to the test are my kids and pets…dirt and hair!

  18. I have a dog and cat that leave pet dander and fur everywhere! I also have a steep driveway that we have to put sand on in the winter and that gets tracked everywhere into the house. This would really come in handy and I’d put it to work daily.

  19. Pet hair, what is that made of anyway? It sticks like glue, gets on everything and it seems to reappear instantly. LOL. I would say pet hair is my biggest mess.

  20. With 3 cats and 3 dogs and 4 kids under the age of ten I have more pet hair and grass, dirt, leaves you name my kids bring it into the house.

  21. I need this amazing All Floors vacuum because I need to vacuum up all the dog hair and all the spills that I get in the kitchen. I like that I can get up all the lint and debris off of any floor!

  22. My son LOVES to snack on Cheerios, and both of my children love popcorn. It becomes a daunting task keeping up with all of those crumbs!

  23. My livingroom and kitchen is right together and the floors always a mess in those rooms carpet in the living room and vinyl in the kitchen

  24. Well lets see – my cats from shedding all over then, my hubby bringing in yard trash, leaves, dirt and the like from working outside, and then my granddaughters from dropping food on the floor, I definitely have reasons to use this vacuum

  25. The toughest mess I have is all the cat hair and strands of hair from my daughter. My daughter has long hair and I swear that she sheds more then the two cats. My floors need to be cleaned every day.

  26. The toughest mess I usually have to deal with is my toddler dumping cereal or goldfish on the floor and walking through it.

  27. Our dining room is carpeted so we have a huge food issue in there. The non-stain based spills are usually crushed into the carpet before we have a chance to vacuum them up, making a deep suction a necessity.

  28. I had a Eureka for years, without issue. Since it died, I’ve been through a few vacs and ready for another very soon.

  29. The toughest messes I have to vacuum that will put the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to the test is cleaning the mess my fiance makes everyday when he comes home with his muddy workboots. 🙁

  30. I have four kids ages 6, 5 3, and 1 and a dog. Everything they do involves a mess. I vacuum every morning after they eat cereal. They make a mess, and for some reason, my dog is to snobby to eat the crumbs.

  31. we just have the general dirt and crumb situations in our house, but my old vacuum (which may very well be the same as your old vacuum) just is sucking at sucking. really need a new one

  32. The worst mess I have is trying to keep the dog hair off of furniture. I would love to have a vacuum that would suck them up.

  33. The toughest messes I have to vacuum are tufts of pet hair that roll around my house like tumbleweed. I could make a new pet from all the hair that I sweep up every day. 🙂

  34. CAT HAIR everywhere! In the carpet, under furniture, hair balls in the corners and rolling on the tile….CAT HAIR uggghhhh

  35. When our living room ceiling came crashing down because of a leak that had built up in the attic, yikes! That would be a good test! 🙂

    Thanks for having this giveaway!

  36. I have two cats and a dog….the dog sheds like crazy because she has skin allergies…this is my toughest job for sure.

  37. Crumbs of food from my daughter that she spills and my hair – it’s just as bad as a cat or dog with ending up all over.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  38. Oh with 3 dogs, its the dog hair! I love how this vacuum goes from floors to carpet! That would help so much get all the dog hair up easily! And..I love that it does not use the bags!

  39. We have two dogs, one who is a lab…she is shedding a ton right now. Between that and the kids my house is in a continual state of messy floor! I would love to upgrade my vacuum 🙂

  40. I have 1 toddler who runs around with food, 3 big dogs (enough said), 2 teenagers and a husband who is a landscaper! I would love this to help in keeping my floors clean!

  41. My husband ! He is constantly bringing dirt in from outside all day. Its always gets lodged in his construction boots .

  42. To remove the hedgehog quills from the carpet when Loki is quilling as they are quite painful to step on.. haha

  43. We have a redbone coonhound/st bernard puppy who not only sheds, but makes messes all the time. Vacuuming up spills, fur, dirt from her paws, and toy stuffing becomes a constant chore that this would REALLY help with.

  44. The toughest messes I have to vacuum that will put the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to the test is when my family brings there lovely super shedding dog who is also clumsy over to my house to visit. I love there dog, but the constant shedding and knocking everything over is horrible and leaves my place a disaster zone.

  45. Our toughest messes are on soccer day when my son wears his dirt and grass-filled cleats into the house (even after being told not to umpty-ump times!).

  46. Hi! My toughest mess is all the pet hair. Oh my goodness, my poor vacuum. lol It cleans up after a dog, two cats, and two parakeets. Whew! Thank-you!

  47. The toughest messes I deal with? I have pets, they have fur. … Enough said. 😉 This vacuum seems so great, I might end up buying it even if I don’t win! 🙂

  48. One of the toughest messes I had to vacuum (which would put the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to the test) was when my long haired “shaggy” dog had eight puppies. Oh, my! Vacuuming was a daily job for at least 7 weeks!

  49. I have six kids and we do not wear our shoes in the house but there is always dirt and dust…explain that to me :}

  50. My kids seem to always bring home playground gravel in their shoes. That Is my toughest items to get out of the carpet.

  51. I have the most issues with dog hair, it is everywhere. I have two long hair dogs that shed all year round.

  52. Definitely my girls room, a 6,5, and 4 yr old, and the living room. There 2 crumbs and stuff everywhere all the time, and I think my vacuum just gave up! So ona new one dor free would be a blessing!

  53. It is not so much a mess as it is just a tough chore for a vacuum: picking up threads and snips from sewing projects. They cling to carpet.

  54. The toughest messes are the clumps of dust/dirt that are on the hardwood right next to the rug. It would be great to have a vacuum that can do all floors well.

  55. The hardest thing to vacuum at my house is the velcro on the backs of the couch cushions which hold them in place. The dog’s hair gets in that velcro and it’s almost impossible to get it loose.

  56. Cat hair is every where! My vacuum died back before Christmas, so I go borrow my Mother in Laws every Saturday. Still can’t keep up with the Fluff Brothers.

  57. My 3 dogs can generate a lot of hair and my son seems to leave a trail of dirt or crumbs wherever he goes.

  58. I have a cat and two boys – need I say more? 🙂 Actually, I think my parents have more of a need – they have a dog, a cat and 2 birds… lots of dander… We vacuum every day

  59. My biggest mess is when my dog destroyed the house..she ripped apart everything. At first I thought I had gotten robbed..lol

  60. Some of the toughest messes I’ve had to clean with a vacuum are cat litter and pet food. The litter is the worst.

  61. I have lots of white pet hair on my rugs constantly as the toughest mess I have to vacuum that will put the Eureka AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum to the test.

  62. We have multiple dogs and cats in our household including 2 huge Great Pyrenees dogs which have long white hair. Vacuuming up their hair is a chore! 🙂

  63. That is hard to decide, I have 3 dogs so there is a lot of dog hair to vacuum up daily, plus kids who are constantly spilling something! But I think the dog hair is the worst it sticks to everything

  64. My husband always complains that my daughter’s and my hair is everywhere even though I vacuum throughly every week! That is my hardest thing to “suck up”!

  65. I have 2 cats that dig in the flower pots. They spill the dirt all over if I don’t catch them in the act. This would be great to help me clean up.

  66. Between our Jack Russell shedding and my 14 month old grandson dropping food pieces as he toddles around, I think we can give Eureka a challenge here 🙂 LOL

  67. Between my 4 year old son constantly dropping stuff and my dog shedding hair, we are constantly using our old vacuum on our carpet!

  68. I have 4 dogs, we live in the boondocks so no paved driveway = horrible messes all the time. The dirt and mud are unreal.

  69. Looks like a nice vacuum. My toughest mess is all the dirt I track into the house from the garden. Thanks for having this wonderful contest.

  70. my hair falls out so much, my cats sheds a lot, and my daughter drops everything on the floor. the vacuum would definitely do the job right.


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