Take The Say Yes To Less Pledge With Little Remedies

TSM-PPHow many times a day do you say yes, when you should really say no? It’s hard to say no, isn’t it. What if instead of no, you said yes? Yes to less. Little Remedies is asking parents everywhere to say take a pledge to Say Yes to Less.

By cutting unnecessary stuff out of your life, what will you have room to say yes to more for?

When you pledge to Say Yes to Less there are four categories to choose from – sugar, distractions, negativity and waste. Because I have been feeling very stressed out over lots of little things lately, I choose to say yes to less distractions. If I can work toward allowing less distractions to interfere with what I want to do, I will have more time to spend with my family doing things we like to do. 


In addition to cutting unnecessary stuff out of your life, when you take the Say Yes to Less Pledge $1 will be donated to the Make A Wish Foundation. 

After you take the pledge you can check in on the Say Yes To Less site to make note of your progress. Check in right after you make your pledge to receive a Little Remedies coupon. And if you check in for 30 days in a row you will be eligible to win the grand prize — a $2,500 529 savings plan.  

Little Remedies

Another thing we already Say Yes to Less is artificial extras. When I was pregnant with my oldest, like many moms, I started looking around at the products we use and the things we eat. I realized how many artificial extras we were putting into our bodies and unnecessary chemicals I was exposing myself too. So I started opting for more natural solutions – less processed, more organic. Little Remedies has the same idea. 

With no dyes, no artificial flavors and no alcohol — Little Remedies has only the ingredients needed to make your little one better. And isn’t that all you really care about when your child is sick?

With Little Remedies®, “less is more” means you’ll find fewer artificial ingredients in our products. But it also means we strive for a simple, healthy way of living: Less of the unnecessary. More of what counts.

So Say Yes to Less, take the pledge. And make room for more of what you want in your life.

What will you pledge to Say Yes To Less to?

Say Yes to Less Little Remedies

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Little Remedies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

7 thoughts on “Take The Say Yes To Less Pledge With Little Remedies”

  1. This is very good Little Remedies Infant pain reliever. My sister used it for my nephew and it helped him get to sleep. I like that there are less ingredients!


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