For the third year in a row, our Elf on the Shelf (Kringle) returned to us with a very special welcome breakfast. (Isn’t it nice of him to throw his own welcome party!) If only Kringle would magically decorate (and clean) my house too. I am craving my Christmas decorations, but haven’t had time yet!
The arrival of Kringle is the official start to holiday festivities in our house, and his antics are sure to be a lot of fun. K (age 5) get such a kick out of searching for our little Elf each morning. And since it is all the talk at the bus stop, I guess Kringle will have to be extra creative this year. Wish him luck!
A welcome breakfast is a fun way to start the Elf on the Shelf tradition. It is also a fun way to see how much little ones grow, check out our Elf on the Shelf Return Welcome Breakfast 2011.
Also, for more ideas check out 50 ideas for Christmas-related names for your Elf, 50 Elf on The Shelf Games, Decorations, Accessories & More and previous Elf on the Shelf Ideas.)
Back to breakfast.
Our Kringle knows that my girls just love those powdered snowballs (donuts) and little treats. This year he brought the girls mini Christmas Barbies ($5 each at Target), a Mickey Mouse Christmas book ($1 at Target), Christmas socks ($1 at Target) and Christmas window gels ($1 at Target). (Our little Kringle just loves Target.)
Breakfast, was met with enthusiastic smiles and laughter from my girls. Baby girl still has no idea what this silly little Elf is, but she sure did like her presents…
And her donuts.
And his arrival was right on time since the girls got their matching Christmas PJs the night before.
Silly excited girls.

And look who else got new PJs this year?! (The girls were so excited! Yeay for Gymboree !)
Once again, our Elf on The Shelf Welcome breakfast was a great success. Welcome back Kringle!
Oh, and in case you are wondering what Kringle had to say to the girls. Here’s his letter:
Holly Jolly Hello –
I am so glad to be back here in sunny Florida. Frostbite! It sure is cold in the North Pole. Brrrrrrrr.
I was so excited to see both of you girls at the very tippy-top of Santa’s Nice List again this year. Of course, I wasn’t surprised at all since I have the two very best little girls. (Snowflakes, I am a lucky Elf.)
We elves have been super-duper busy this year prepping for the big day, and everyone is a snow flurry with excitement about taking off to visit our kids this month. It’s my very favorite time of the year.
The big guy sends his best, and is expecting regular reports back from me. After all, you are role model kids.
Are you girls ready for the big day? It looks like your mom has already started spreading the holiday cheer. Great tree! Can’t wait to see the place when you guys finish decking the halls.
I hope you like the special treats I brought with me this year – I know how much you girls like your powdered snowballs!
Snowflakes and Mistletoe,
PS – Thanks for my great picture! I am gonna take it back with me to the North Pole to show off to the whole gang.
So so cute!!!
Thanks Kristin – it’s a fun tradition for us 🙂
I love the pjs!! And the look on your youngest daughter’s face, hahahaha. All of the pics are cute. 🙂
Thanks so much 🙂
OMG… so cute! I love the elf but the girls’ PJs are adorable too.