Kid-Tested Quick & Tasty Breakfast For Back To School — Frusion (Fruit & Yogurt Smothie) + Free Trial Offer

There are less than two weeks until school starts here in Florida (yes, we go back early!). And with the start of a new school year comes many new challenges for my household including early mornings. I’ve never been a morning person, and neither are my girls. Currently my girls get up at 7:15, but when school starts K will have to catch the school bus at 7:15. I predict a couple of rough weeks to start (for K and me!). 

To add to the morning routine challenge, K is a fan of eating dry Cherrios – typically in the car. Not the world’s best breakfast choice, but it is quick and easy. Over the summer, I have been testing new breakfast options for her. Ideally fruit and protein, but K is also the world’s slowest eater. (She took 45 minutes to eat a waffle and half a yogurt this morning.) So I have a conundrum. 

Then I met a solution – Frusion.

Frusion Fruit & Yogurt Smothie

Frusion is a fruit and yogurt smoothie (kind of like a liquid yogurt). I’ve seen things like this in the store before, but honestly we have never tried them. Now that my daughters have, I think we are hooked. 

The new Frusion is C-Charged with 100% of your daily vitamin C, plus 50% of your daily calcium and an excellent source of protein (5g). The big bonus for me is that because it is drinkable, K had it down in less than 5 minutes! Now that’s a breakfast that works for the morning rush.

Other things I like about Frusion is that there is no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial flavors or colors. And it is made with real fruit puree. 

Of course, the real test is always the taste. So I asked K to give it a taste test for me, I think this series of pictures says it all…

Frusion Breafast Taste Test

After seeing how much K liked it, baby girl started begging to “tie, tie.” So she got to give it a taste test as well, and it received a “more, more!” It was a hit with both of my girls. 

When K finished her bottle she exclaimed, “Well, that was tasty.” High praise from my five year old. 

Try Frusion For Free

If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast (or snack) that packs in lots of goodness, we recommend Frusion. And you can try it for free. Frusion is offering a free trial via mail-in rebate through October 15 on a four-pack (up to a $3.99 value). To get your mail-in rebate form, visit Frusion on Facebook and print the rebate form. 

53 thoughts on “Kid-Tested Quick & Tasty Breakfast For Back To School — Frusion (Fruit & Yogurt Smothie) + Free Trial Offer”

  1. I’m so glad I’m not the only one whose kiddo takes FOREVER to eat! Because of that, and as parents always being in a rush coordinating everyone’s activities and schedules, it’s hard to find healthy food choices while maintaining the convenience. I’m definitely going to check these out. Luckily my daughter likes anything labeled smoothie, so hopefully these are a hit with her too!

  2. The pics are adorable and tell the story…yummy! My grand kids love smoothies nd fruit so this sounds like a winner for them.

  3. I like this drink because it has healthy ingredients such as fruit and yogurt in a smoothie. I like smoothies and so does my family and having these already made is a great time saver in the morning. I bet they taste delicious. I will have to get some.

  4. My daughter is pretty picky, not sure if she’d try this or not. However, I do like that there’s no high fructose corn syrup and no artificial flavors or colors!

  5. I really wish someone would make these sorts of things for people whose children are lactose intolerant. I don’t always leave enough time in the morning to make something and something premade, say with coconut milk or almond milk would be a lifesaver. These look delicious though.

  6. Great review. These sound and look delicious. Great morning breakfast for kids on the go! I love that there is no high fructose corn syrup and its made with real fruit puree. 🙂

  7. Love the model!

    I enjoy yogurt drinks like this, especially for kids. It’s a quick, tasty way to get some protein and calcium in your body. Great as a healthy snack alternative and no high fructose sugar!

  8. We haven’t tried this brand but I need to. My grandson loves smoothies, especially Strawberry banana and we like that it’s good for him

  9. I know my youngest would love these, she’s open to try anything and loves dairy products. My oldest, however, has become very picky and probably wouldn’t even give it a try. Love how it’s healthy and quick for those mornings when you feel like you’re never going to get out the door. Even though all that rushing around you know you kiddos have had a beneficial breakfast to start their day.

  10. I WISH my daughter would eat yogurt. She is a carb addict and a picky one. I make a homemade healthy breakfast muffin she loves and when we don’t have that, she will eat certain types of dry cereal.

  11. Great they sound good! Usually i cant get my oldest to have a big breakfast before school he’ll usually just have a piece of fruit and water i’ll have to try this!

  12. Looks like a good idea and I will have to check it out. If it is at a store near me then I will have to check the price and get the Facebook offer, thanks!


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