You Can’t Baby Proof Everything…

This post brought to you by HUGGIES. All opinions are 100% mine.

Try as you might, you just can’t prepare for everything. Sure you can cover the outlets, put bumpers on corners, lock cabinets and generally baby proof your whole house. But even when you think you are done and that you have covered everything, there is bound to be something you miss.

Babies are sneaky, and when they have their eye on something – you better watch out. 

HUGGIES® knows active babies, and asked me to share my baby proofing story. Like most moms I immediately have a story ready to go, but I have to warn you — this story will make your stomach churn. Ok, you’ve been warned.

Our house is as baby proofed as it can get with a big sister around. My biggest fear when baby girl was in that put-everything-and-everything-in-my-mouth stage was that she would choke on some tiny Strawberry Shortcake shoe or other trinket that got missed at clean up time. But with constant vigilance, we avoided those dangers.

On the other hand, one day I turned my back for a moment, and my speedy little girl was off. When I tracked her down in the playroom I panicked when I realized she had a mouth full of something. I grabbed her and quickly thrust my finger in her tiny mouth to pull out the offending object only to pull out one, two, three, four small balls of hardened DOG POOP!

No joke. Dog poop.

Of all the things I baby proofed for, I didn’t baby proof my dogs. One of my two toy Yorkies had begun pooping in the playroom, and while I was constantly on poop duty — clearly I missed a pile.

Ewww. Yuck. Gross. And ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Once I cleared her mouth, I scooped her up washed her hands and did my best to rinse her mouth out with a bit of water. It’s been nearly a year since baby girl got that pile of poop in her mouth, but I will never forget it.

You just can’t be prepared for everything. But you still have to try!

HUGGIES® products including HUGGIES® Little Movers Diapers, HUGGIES® Snug & Dry Diapers and HUGGIES® Triple Clean Wipes are available at Walmart.

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32 thoughts on “You Can’t Baby Proof Everything…”

  1. Oh my! WHo would have thought that would happen. But babies will anything in their mouths. It is hard to think of everything!

  2. Wow! That Must Have Been A Surprise! I Would Have Been Horrified, Sounds Like You Handled It Well And Thankfully Your Baby Was Ok 🙂

  3. Yes they will put anything in their mouth and they are so quick. I had to pull gum drops out of my son’s throat when he was about around the age of two.

  4. Gross!! Luckily my grandsons don’t like getting dirty or touching new things so whenever our dog has an accident they just walk around and go on their way! 😉

  5. OKAYYYY, I wasn’t ready for that answer at all. I’m completely grossed out with that image in my head. You did very well, much better than I would have!

  6. lol– that is pretty gross–and I really can’t imagine what I would have done, or had handled it any better– Naw I would have had to throw up first–lol Gosh darn– that was bad…All I can say I sure hope and pray I will never have that experience. But What a great story to have when she starts bringing home the future husband– just one of those moments

  7. Now that would shocked me and grossed me out at the same time. I would have washed her mouth out the best I could. You had your hands full.

  8. How quick are kids are and I remember those days also of everything that went into the mouth. How scary they were. Oh gosh, surprised she didn’t spit it out after putting them in her mouth…yucky!

  9. There is only so many things we can do to prepare for the unexpected. It seems dogs and children are always cooking something up together. You did not panic and I don’t know that I would have handled it as well as you did.

  10. lol oh boy I so can relate and agree with you! You try and try to baby proof everything but it’s incidents like that you can’t forsee lol Thank goodness for majority of the time we have Huggies to help with those times, thank goodness they make wipes too! lol.

  11. To funny! It is true that we think we have planed for everything, then the little buggers prove us wrong. Like you said we just have to do the best we can.

  12. I like Huggies – I try to get them for my youngest daughter who is 18-months – and you can get them at Costco for even less than the Kirjland’s – but both are really good. I agree – you can’t baby-proof everything – even if you really try – good luck, though!

  13. Your story made me laugh, as well as gag a little. But here’s what I find really funny: When your little one put the first piece of poop into her mouth, she didn’t spit it out–she apparently liked it enough to put three more pieces in there! LOL

  14. Kids will be kids. We didn’t have any animals in the house when our’s was a babe! Now outside who knows what she got!!

  15. Kids will be kids. We didn’t have any animals in the house when our’s was a babe! Now outside who knows what she got!!

  16. eeew!!!! the worst ive uncovered is one of my boys putting his own poop in his mouth, i had to try my hardest not to throw up while washing him up.

  17. Ahh that’s terrible! It’s so gross, but I supposed in the end you have to laugh at things like this because we all know they will happen no matter how hard we try to avoid them!

  18. I think that would have given me a mini-heart attack! I think the worst my daughter tried eating was fistfuls of sand from the sandbox. Poor kids, don’t know what’s good for them! Or what is disgusting, either 😉

  19. I don’t have a story about any of my kids eating things they shouldn’t, however, while I was pregnant with my middle child and my husband was out of the country I was awakened by someone knocking on my bedroom window at 6am. I opened my blinds to find that my two year old had escaped and was playing in the yard and couldn’t figure out how to get back in. Needless to say I panicked. Now I have alarms on all my doors so my third child doesn’t try a similar trick 🙂

  20. We have two dogs, so I know exactly what you mean about poop accidents. What’s worse is when they vomit from the heat. It’s enough to make me want to barf. All you can do is clean it up and hope it doesn’t happen again (soon).

  21. I couldn’t have children, so I cannot really relate to this. Hearing about babies after losing so many breaks my heart…sorry, I couldn’t read the story.


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