The Only Outdoor Chair Your Baby Needs – The Go With Me Chair Giveaway

It is gorgeous outside, I mean gorgeous and as I watch my kids play with the neighbor kids in our front yard I am reminded again and again why I live in Florida — hello spring! (Sorry to everyone still buried in the snow!)

This time of year we spend a lot of time outside, every afternoon if mom has her way, and our hangout is the driveway. Most of the time you will find me sitting in my folding chair watching kids run around. Flanked on either side of me are a pair of mini folding chairs, K sets them up as soon as we go outside so they are ready when the girls are to take a break. On one side K’s princess chair, and on the other S’s new Go With Me Chair.

Go With Me Chair

The Go With Me Chair is the newest addition to our fleet of driveway toys and accoutrements that we drag out everyday, and I have to say that my biggest complaint about it is that I didn’t have it a year ago when S was a tiny baby. Strike that — I wish I had it when K was a baby!

This chair has everything. In fact, when I checked it out for the first time every time I thought, “Well, it would be nice if it had…” Before I could even finish my thought I discovered over and over that it HAD everything I could think of. Designed by a mom, this is the only outdoor chair your child needs from baby up to 75 lbs.

Features, Features, Features

The first thing I noticed when I opened up the chair was how stable this chair is. I remember when we bought K her princess chair (she was roughly two), like a typically folding chair I had to be sure to help her in and out of the chair so it didn’t topple over on her. That’s how it is with most folding chairs, they are top heavy. But not the Go With Me Chair, just look at these sturdy legs! This chair isn’t going anywhere you don’t want it to.

Go With Me Chair Legs

Beginning in teeny-tiny baby mode (my term, not the chair’s), you will find a five-point harness to securely fasten your wee one to the chair. Since it is super stable (with those legs), it doesn’t rock. Plus the seat tilts bag a smidge making it the perfect place to plop down baby to play. Would it be nice if it had loops to hook on toys? Oh wait, it does!

Bigger babies who enjoy standing in jumpers can enjoy the next step with the Go With Me Chair. The chair bottom snaps off revealing leg holes. Now baby can strengthen and kick those little leggies. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a pocket to tuck the flap into? Oh wait, there is!

Go With Me Chair Leg Holes Pockets

If only there was somewhere to put snacks… Guess what? There is a removable snack tray with snack holder. (I am telling you, this chair has it all.)

Go With Me Chair Snack Tray

And don’t worry about your little tike baking in the sun, check out the removable sunshade.

Go With Me Chair Sunshade

As your baby turns into a toddler (like mine) who no longer wants to be strapped in, the leg hole area collapses and is hidden away with a Velcro flap. The five-point harness can also be removed from the chair so it isn’t poking your kiddo in the back (genius). Because the chair is so stable, I don’t have to worry about S climbing in and out of the chair at will.

I tried to get my little model to pose for you in her new chair (that I assure you she sits in happily). But as soon as that camera comes out, forget the chair she wants to see the camera.


So here is my big girl/semi-willing model in the chair. She will be five this month, and you can see that she can still enjoy the chair as well.

Chair 2

Because this chair is made out of high-quality materials, I predict a LOT of usage for this chair in the coming months and years.

Oh and for those of you who don’t spend your afternoons in the driveaway… The chair also comes with a handy-dandy tote to carry your chair in.

The Go With Me Chair is available in brown with pink polka dot, brown with blue polka dot and brown with green polka dot from Kelsyus. You can buy it directly through Kelsyus or I found the best prices on Amazon.


Review product received, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

106 thoughts on “The Only Outdoor Chair Your Baby Needs – The Go With Me Chair Giveaway”

  1. I would LOVE one of these!!! I just had a little girl who is going to attending all of her big brothers t-ball games and this would be GREAT to have for her!!!

  2. Oh I would love the Brown/Blue Dot! It would be for little Carter…would be so great for the parades this summer or the beach…or just sitting outside!

  3. I’d pick the Brown/Pink dots, and I’d give the chair to my two nieces. One is 2 and the other is only a month old. She’s too little for the chair now, but not for long.


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