Wordless Wednesday ~ BEAR!

Just another Saturday in the neighborhood. Meet one of our neighbors. Wonder how close we are? Keep scrolling…


Yep! That’s across the street in our neighbor’s yard, and my husband stood at the end of our driveway snapping pictures. Didn’t bother the bear, he laid down for a spell…




UPDATE – All of the comments have me chuckling. It has become so common place to see bears, I forget he might freak people out 🙂 I back up to a wildlife preserve, and he wanders over fairly frequently. He isn’t the only one either, there are several of them. He has never cause a problem other than getting into garbage or breaking into garage refrigerators when garage doors are left open. On this day he wandered over to another neighbor’s open garage and started munching on a bag of pool salt. After 15 mins or so he wandered back into the woods.

40 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ BEAR!”

    • LOL! Yep. We see wildlife almost everyday. Not something you would expect for the middle of suburbia, but bears, deer, turkey — all the time.

  1. Wow, that is so close! We get some “bold” bears here in NH on occasion, but I’ve never seen one that close!

  2. Holy crap that bear is way to close for my comfort. I am not sure how close I would have been able to get but I doubt as close as your husband did. LOL.

    Happy WW!

    • Yep! For real. He wandered back home a little while later. We back up to a reserve, so he likes to come looking for garbage all the time. 🙂

    • He’s very peaceful, unless you happen to be a bag of garbage! Then he will rip you up and drag you down the street making a big ole mess 🙂

  3. Oh wow, that is wild, especially that last pic of him just chillin’ in the middle of the street! I have heard of residents in my area (Oregon coast) seeing bears very occasionally, but not with the frequency or as out in the open as yours. And LOL at Wayne and his punny joke! Hahahah!

  4. Are you kidding me! I am shocked to see this big bear in your neighbors yard! Wow! I would get scared if I saw a bear in my neighborhood! What amazing pictures to see! I did enjoy reading this story!

  5. I’m glad I don’t live where you do, not so much for me, but if my mother ever saw anything like that in my neighborhood she would just about die and then make us move!


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