28 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ Ice Cream Truck”

  1. Oh I LOVE that first photo of her running to the truck! Has such a vintage feel to it.

    Thanks for linking up for WW!

  2. OH MY GOSH! It’s like the whole neighborhood came out for the truck – or a photo shoot? That first picture is too good to be true. Definitely a ‘essence of summer’ photo 🙂

    • We live in a gated community. Ice cream trucks aren’t allowed. So on the last day of school the community invited an ice cream to come around. The kids were wild for it, everyone wanted to make sure they got to be part of the fun that people were driving around the neighborhood looking for the truck. Out street was the first stop and EVERYONE came out. It was sooo wonderful. Such a great memory.

  3. Wow, that’s quite a crowd! I remember one time Jake bolted out the door down the street yelling back at me “Mom, ice cream!” while his pants nearly fell off and his shoes went flying!

  4. I bet the ice cream truck loves your neighborhood. I remember when we visited the grandparents the ice cream truck would come by the house SEVERAL times because we were such good customers.


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