How many of us have had an idea for a business we dream of starting one day, but never make a move to see that dream to reality? I would venture to guess a lot of us. That is why I am always impressed by kids with the entrepreneurial spirit who don’t put off their idea becoming business owners, launching their dreams before they are old enough drive.
When I was contacted by Gameware about advertising on The Suburban Mom, I was more than a bit shocked when Skype revealed that the potential advertiser was a 14-year-old kid. (I also had to chuckle when Grandma came by to collect his laundry.) It wasn’t enough that this young game developer developed and successfully sells apps for kids, he’s ready to take his business to the next level by purchasing advertising space to get his apps in front of his target market – moms.
So what is this young advertiser promoting? His top-selling app, Baby Dots. I downloaded the app on my iPad for K (currently only available on iTunes although Gameware hopes to have an Android version soon), and made a few funny faces with it myself. It’s a very basic app that allows kids to “draw” with stickers. The graphics aren’t overly fancy, but for little ones bright colors and shapes is all they really need. While she enjoyed playing with it for a few minutes, it is a little to basic to hold her attention for long. I think she would have enjoyed it more a year or so ago – which puts the perfect age for this at 3 years and under (exactly the target age my new advertiser told me).
The budding entrepreneur didn’t ask me to write this post, he just purchased ad space. However, I am so impressed by his can-do attitude that I had to share his story. Who knows, he might be the next Dan Porter (CEO of OMGPOP who recently sold Draw Something to Zynga for $180 mil) because he had the courage to start now. (Don’t we all hope our kids have the same gumption?)
Download Baby Dots for your kiddo. It is $.99 that helps support a kid’s dream.