How To Catch A Leprechaun

If you catch a leprechaun, legend has it, he has to tell you where he hid his gold. So what could be more fun than trying to catch a leprechaun? When I was a little girl, my mom taught me how to set a leprechaun trap, and this year I decided K was old enough to set one of her own. She can’t wait for “Leprechaun Day” as she calls it.

To make your own leprechaun trap you must first know that a leprechaun’s favorite treat is, of course, Lucky Charms and that leprechauns are attracted to green. So here is what you will need:

  • A green strawberry pint basket
  • The perfect stick
  • String
  • Lucky Charms

How to Catch a Leperchaun

On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, have your kiddos help you set the trap in hopes of catching your very own leprechaun. (Snacking on Magically Delicious charms is half the fun.)

Of course, you can’t actually catch a leprechaun (they are too quick). But if you are lucky, he will leave behind a few gold coins (AKA shinny pennies, gold chocolate coins, etc) as evidence of his quick escape. Perhaps your leprechaun is a wily one and will overturn his entrapment or loose a few shamrocks in his escape. Use your imagination, think Elf on the Shelf gone green.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

How to Catch a Leprechaun


21 thoughts on “How To Catch A Leprechaun”

  1. LOVE this! Where do you find the strawberry baskets anymore?? Aren’t they all in those plastic bins now? Would love to know!

    • Remember the days when all strawberries in the plastic baskets 🙂 The only place I can find them now is at Farmer’s Markets. I got one at the LK Mary FM a couple weeks ago.

  2. This is so great! Thanks – My son came home yesterday and they had talked about the big green rat – the leprechaun… 🙂

  3. I have to make a trap tomorrow morning – my son need to bring one to daycare in the morning – now I really are happy I read your blog today!! thanks

  4. Oh my gosh my boys and i have recently been discussing what would happen if they ever caught a leprechaun, now we are gonna have to try this and see if we can catch one!

  5. Can’t wait to do this with my kindergarten classes!!! I have a whole sleeve of strawberry baskets that I was ready to throw out in my closet!!!

  6. This is the cutest idea! My daughter would have loved this when she was younger. Thank you for linking to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you next time.


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