HOT Toy Prices on

I received the nicest note from a reader with a tip on some hot toy prices on, so I had to share. If you find any great deals this holiday season, feel free to shoot me an email. I can’t possibly keep up with everything 🙂


Hello fellow Moms!

I read your blog and subscribe to your daily feeds.  Thank you for always finding such great bargains for me and the rest of your followers 🙂  You make shopping very easy for us!  I was looking for something on JCPenney’s website and I saw that they’re having a ‘customer appreciation’ sale today.  I couldn’t believe some of the prices I was seeing… I had to do some shopping 😉  I have three small children and young nieces & nephews – and I was able to finish my holiday shopping for them.  I used the promo code “bestgift” and received 20% off and free shipping to my local JCP store.  You can use the same promo code if you don’t have a JCP card – but you get 15% off (but still receive free shipping to your local store).

I have NO affiliation with JCP, I assure you. I am simply a SAHM on a budget!

Some of the items I bought today can be found below.  I quickly looked up each item on Amazon and did find that these sale prices were great, even if JCP jacked-up (for lack of a better phrase) the original prices. 

Happy Shopping – and thanks again for always finding such great deals!

Bernadette (Philly burbs Mommy)

Thanks for the tip Bernadette!

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