My Whirlpool Duet Washer/Dryer Makes Me Happy

We’ve been living with (and loving) our Whirlpool Duet Washer and Dryer for several months now, and I am happy to report everything is peachy keen and then some. Laundry land is a happy place in our house. I continue to marvel at my fancy laundry machines and show them off to visitors whenever I get a chance. (Is it silly to say they are pretty as well as functional, I think not. I really like the silver machines.)

Whirlpool recently celebrated its 100th birthday, and it has come a long way in a century (can you imagine if you had to wash with the original design from 1911?). For that matter, it has come a long way since we bought our last pair of Whirlpool Duets in 2004.


Today’s Duet system is loaded with technology. Previously, I wrote about the ways features that save me time and money and about how my washer is smarter than me (no joke). Here are my final thoughts on the Whirlpool Duet washer and dryer AKA my laundry dream team.

Features I can’t get enough of:

  • Precision Dispense – Much like my Dad’s old “push-button-window theory,” the precision dispense feature is definitely something you never know you need until you have it. Now, I can’t live without it. Adding detergent to every load – that’s so last year.
  • Fan Fresh – Need to throw a load in and go? Don’t let that load sit and get musty – not good for the clothes or your washer. Fan Fresh to the rescue. (As long as mom remembers to turn it on. This is one feature I would improve by making it automatic if a loads sits for longer than 10 minutes without the door being opened.)
  • Specialty Cycles – Not sure how to wash that pillow that just got something spilled on it? Not to worry, there is a specialty cycle for that. There’seven a matching specialty cycle for pillows on the dryer.  (Use this cycle today!)

Let’s talk accessories. There are several accessories available for the duet washer and dryer, but there is only one that is a must have. Without a doubt, laundry ladies need the pedestal units. Front loaders are great for many reasons, but without pedestal units those doors are pretty low to the ground. Not being one to like bending over more than I have to, I don’t know what I would do with out the pedestals that raise the washer/dryer up 15.5 inches. The additional storage that the pedestals provide in a cramped laundry room rocks too.

Whirlpool Pedestal

Lights, sounds and color – aesthetics are important. Sure, there is nothing wrong with a plain, boring, white washer/dryer that does its job and nothing more. But a laundry duo that looks nice, sings a pretty tune and has flashy lights and a color LCD display… yeah, that makes a girl smile. I know it doesn’t clean my clothes any better because of these features, but the soft chiming effect vs the harsh, demanding buzzer my old pair beckoned me with just makes the whole experience better.

As my fellow Whirlpool moms have remarked on more than one occasion, the only thing my laundry dream team doesn’t do is fold and put away the laundry. (Hence the giant mound currently perked atop my washer/dryer). Maybe in Whirlpool’s next 100 years…

Whirlpool Mom

Disclosure – I wrote this review while participating in a test-drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Whirlpool and received a complimentary Whirlpool Duet washer and dryer to facilitate my review.

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