Summer 2011 Reading Incentive Programs ~ Freebies

Summer Reading Incentive ProgramWhether your kids’ summer started a few weeks ago (like mine) or will be starting in the next couple of weeks, many summer reading programs have already begun. To keep your kids reading this summer check out these summer reading programs. As an extra incentive many offer free books and rewards, just for reading.

Pottery Barn Kids Summer Reading Challenge – May 31 to August 31 – Once kids 10 and and under complete one of the age-appropriate reading lists, they can bring the checked off list into PBK to receive a free book. Since there is no age minimum, I might read the Early Reader list with K to earn her free book. (Note: the titles from the Early Reader list are sold at PBK in store only, the other list is available online too.)

Chuck E. Cheese’s Reading Rewards Calendar – Now through December 31, 2011 – Chuck E. Cheese rewards kids for good behavior with its calendars. Download a Reading Rewards Calendar and your kiddo can mark off each day he/she reads. When the calendar is full, two weeks, turn it into your local Chuck E. Cheese for 10 free game tokens. Bonus, this can be done again and again. (Download other reward calendars here.)

Barnes and Noble’s Summer Reading – May 24 to September 6 – Your kids can read any 8 books and then make a recommendation about the books in the Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination Journal. Once they complete the journal, they can take it back to the store to pick a free book from the list at the back of the journal. (Bonus, if your kids are into Judy Moody, they can get a free backpack when you buy two books. Click for details.)

Borders Double-Dog Dare – June 1 to August 5 – Kids 12 and under can read any 10 books, list them on the back of the reading form and redeem the coupon for a free book. Valid on select titles. Again, no age minimum, so I may do this one with K (we read 10 books this week alone!). This is valid for Borders, Borders Express or Waldenbooks.

Scholastic’s Summer Challenge – Yes, the same program that sells books through your kids’ school all year, will reward your kiddos with digital prizes for logging their reading minutes over the summer. There are also sweepstakes for fun gifts too.

TD Bank Summer Reading Program – Once your kids read 10 books and complete this form, TD Bank will deposit $10 into their Young Saver Account. (Note, you will need to either have or open a Young Saver Account for this program.)

Half Price Books Feed Your Brain – June 1 to July 31 – Kids 14 and under can earn $5 in back-to-school bucks by setting a reading goal and tracking their reading minutes (at least 15 minutes a day) with this reading calendar. Then kids who read at least 600 minutes over the summer can turn the form in from July 25 – August 7 and redeem the coupon for $5 in back-to-school bucks.

National Amusements Movie Theaters’s Bookworm Wednesdays – Earn free admission to summer movies on Wednesday mornings by reading a book, filling our the book report form and turning in your book report for admission.

HEB Grocery Stores’, HE Buddy Summer Reading Club – Read any 10 books, and then mail back the form by October 31 to receive your “cool” prize. (I am guessing a t-shirt since it asks for shirt size.) Hint – since this one is a mail in offer, you don’t even need to live near a HEB.

Sylvan Book Adventure – Kids (K-8) read books (7,000 titles to choose from), and then take a short quiz to earn points. The points can then be redeemed for prizes including a six-month subscription to Highlights Magazine and a chocolate bar.

Book It – June 15 to August 15 – Kids (K-6) who read 5 books can enter to win a Summer Prize Pack that includes: Tote Bag, Water Bottle, Mini Flier, Mini Ball, Sunglasses, Jump Rope, Book Light, “Mr. Popperʼs Penguins” by Richard Atwater and a $20 Visa Gift Card. (This is a sweepstakes, but hey, if you are already participating in one of the other programs above your kid might as well enter.) Entry form.

PBS Summer Reading Community Challenge – This one is more for parents with a daily email full of tips, but there is also a chance to win daily prizes. The 6-week program starts June 6.

Local libraries – most local libraries have some kind of summer reading program often with goodie bags from local merchants. Check your local library for more details.

2 thoughts on “Summer 2011 Reading Incentive Programs ~ Freebies”

  1. I would like to give a free book and a toys r us gift card to the child who completes one of these programs and his brother or sister under age 5 who read books too!

  2. My 6 year old daughter has already finished reading for 2 of these. She did Chuck E. Cheese & Borders already. Now we’re working on reading enough for the Barnes & Nobles. She’s read a couple for B&N already. She has been reading on her own each day plus each night we read a 2 chapters from an Big book together. I think these programs are GREAT!! Even my younger daughter, 3 years old, is into reading. My oldest daughter reads to her each day and I read to both of them each night. I love seeing my kids so into books. They definitely take after me on that one!!


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