There are so many online scams that lead you to believe that you can become rich overnight, but we all know that’s all they are — scams. Scams aside, there are some GREAT ways to make a little extra spending money online that don’t require any money from you and very little effort. (BTW – I received a scam direct message on Twitter the other day that offered paid writing gigs, since I am always looking to be paid for my craft, I clicked. They wanted $50 a month for leads to writing gigs. Ummmm, no thank you!)
Over the past few years, I have become quite successful at making some extra money online. (Again, please don’t read too much $$$ into this, we are talking a little here and a little there, but it all adds up!) Since people are always asking me how I make money online, I thought the new year was the perfect time to launch a series of posts about how to make money online. So, here’s part 1 of my series on how to make money online. I hope you will join me and check out some of my favorite ways to make some extra cash. I’ll try to do these weekly, unless life gets in the way 🙂
MyLikes – I am going to start the series by talking about MyLikes. I’ll be upfront and let you know that the top referrer in January will receive an iPad, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this, but since the top referral’s list is filled with bloggers I know who have 200+ referrals already… I am not holding my breath. However, it’s still a good place to sign up, so I am posting with a small hope. (BTW – if I were to win said iPad, I would totally do a cool giveaway for my loyal readers who joined up offering an Amazon gift certificate or something… just saying…)
MyLikes is a site that pays you to tweet. Yes, really. When you join MyLikes, you will be offered various campaigns. If you “like” a campaign and share the info with your followers, then you get paid for everyone who clicks on your link. How much you get paid depends on your personal pay-per-click rate, which is determined by how many followers you have and how often people click on your links. For me, campaigns range from $0.11 to $0.28 per click (my current rate is $0.43 per click).
What I like about MyLikes is that you can write whatever you want in your tweet about the link – as long as it tells the truth about what you are linking to. So for a campaign about Uggs, I might talk about our local temp being nearly 70 degrees and not being able to wear my Uggs right now. Or I might talk about a deal associated with the site I am “liking” – for example free shipping. Anything I want that I think my followers might like to read more about so the click on the link.
This is a GREAT site for people who are just getting started tweeting or blogging because unlike some other sites the require you to earn a big number before payout, MyLikes automatically cashes you out every week as long as you have earned more than $2. Payment is made via PayPal, so even if you have only made a couple of bucks, it’s great to receive automatic payments. Another cool think is the ability to tie your MyLikes account to Facebook. While you make just be starting on Twitter, you probably have a lot of Facebook friends 🙂
The only drawback that I have found to MyLikes is that people have to click your link for you to get paid. (No one has to buy anything, but they do have to click!) Of course, you don’t want to become a spammer. So I recommend that you if plan to take several opportunities at one time, schedule your tweets so they don’t all come up at once.
My earnings — I have been with MyLikes for a while now, but I really didn’t use it at first. Since I started using it, I have cashed out every couple of weeks with about $3-4. Like I said, not a huge amount, but then again I don’t spend much time at all. (For example, I just went to Mylikes and liked 4 campaigns scheduled to tweet out over the next 24 hours. I think it took me all of 5 minutes.)
So there you have it. MyLikes is just one way that you can make money online. There’s no cost to you (EVER), so you have nothing to lose. Sign up today and check it out. Then let me know how you do!
do tweets and facebook posts both pay off? how often and how do you collect the money you earn?? I clicked on your hopefully you’ll get credit regardless. 😉
Hey! I stumbled across your site while searching for some info on Mylikes. Since you use it often, maybe you can help me out some. I’m trying to get to where i can tweet about campaigns, but no matter what i click on.. i feel like i am missing a big sign saying “Do this!” I can not figure out where the Campaigns are. All i see are Contests and videos that people have submitted. Even when i click on Campaigns on the Left side, nothing comes up. Any help?
Hey Christina –
They have changed their site and format drastically since I wrote that post! They do so many contests and videos, which I find to be a waste of time! When I sign into my account, the main section of my screen are “Things to Like.” This area is filled with videos and contests, but it also has the things to tweet for clicks. You will see an amount per click box and to the right a green box that says “Share Text Likes.” These are the ones that I do. On the left you can select to view only the text campaigns. Sometimes there are a TON of campaigns, sometimes just a few. Hope this helps!
This blog is really interesting…I did not know that such money making opportunities existed. I will eagerly read part 2 ad 3 and look forward to more. My mother always said “Count your pennies and the dollars will count themselves.” Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed the series. I got off track with continuing the series, but hopefully I will get back on track soon 🙂
I found the information on ur website very helpful . God bless u