When my daughter suddenly started leaking through her diapers overnight, I simply bought the next size up diaper for extra protection. (She wears a 4 Pamper’s Cruisers during the day and a 5 at night.) But after a month or so, even that wasn’t enough to prevent leak throughs… I swear she saves all her pee for night time!
While talking to a friend, she mentioned overnight diapers, so on my trip to BRU I searched for a Pamper’s version. I found Pamper’s Extra Protection. They are a bit more expensive per diaper than Cruisers – about $20 for 56 diapers… But it was worth trying. After about a week of buying, they are SO worth the extra money. The diapers are FULL, but no leaks (yet!).
Of course, after I purchased the Extra Protection Walmart added a free sample! But your little one has problems leaking through a diaper at night, you should totally try these. Samples available in size 4 & 5. (I am using the 5 with extra protection.) Get them, try them, love them!