I once read, “If you aren’t buying products made of recycled materials, you aren’t really completing the cycle and recycling.” That statement really struck home for me. I am huge recycler, I am proud to say that we overfill two bins each week of recyclable materials and not even one full trash can. I have even been known to bring home stacks of paper and plastic from the office to recycle, since we don’t have recycling at the office. But suddenly I realized, what does it matter if I send all these items to be recycled if we aren’t using the recycled material.
Of course, once I started looking for products made of recycled material, true “green” products, I became frustrated at the lack of options available. It seemed that all of the options for things made of recycled materials were (for lack of a better way to describe them) hippieish. Come on manufactures and retailers — the movement isn’t just for hippies any more. Every-day people want to protect the world we live in. Make more things out of recycled materials!