Box Tops for Education: An Easy Way To Support Your School

You save Box Tops for Education for your students’ school, right? It is the easiest way to support schools with a monetary donation that doesn’t cost you anything extra. Just clip Box Tops off General Mills products you already buy, save them in a bag and send them to your students’ school.

Box Tops for Education at Walmart
I started clipping Box Tops before kids, true story. I don’t remember when I noticed Box Top labels on products in my pantry, but once I realized what they were it seemed a shame to throw away money for schools. So long before I had kids, I sent them family in Boston. Now I have gotten the grandparents involved in collecting them for my daughter’s school.

What I love about Box Tops is that if you are already purchasing a product for your family, the Box Top label is free money for the school. Don’t throw it away!

Each Box Top label is worth $.10, but those little labels add up quickly. Last year my daughter’s school earned more than $1,500 from Box Tops, and my family alone contributed around $15. Not too shabby especially considering that schools can use that money to buy anything it needs.  

Where can you find Box Tops?

General Mills Box Top products include Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Nature Valley, Yoplait and many more. Take a look at the collection of Box Tops my family has accumulated since April! I’ll save you the trouble counting — that’s 21 Box Tops, $2.10 to start the school year.

Box Tops for Education

Bonus Box Tops at Walmart

For the back-to-school season, you can find Bonus Box Tops at Walmart. Specially-marked packages at Walmart include a certificate for four bonus Box Tops, making those packages worth $.50 for your school. I picked up one of those bonus packages at Walmart — a giant box of Honey Nut Cheerios with 5 Box Tops. 

Bonus Box Tops at Walmart
As you start to think about the kids heading back to school this year (less than a month away in our area), keep your eyes open for bonus Box Tops at Walmart. Support your local school by clipping and saving those Box Tops, each $.10 label adds up. It’s nice to know you can do a little something for your school without a lot of time or effort.

And don’t be afraid to ask friends and family to save Box Tops for your school. Most people are happy to help if all they have to do is clip and save!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.

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