Memorable Family Moments ~ $100 Visa Giveaway

When I look at my life, I count my lucky stars that I am lucky enough to look back at a string of happy moments. Sure, there are bumps along the road, but overall when the days and years run together my past is filled happy moments – big and small. And those moments when I am happiest, those are the moments spent surrounded by family. 

When I think about time with my family, the first moments that come to mind are those that are life-altering (weddings and births) and those that become an annual tradition (holiday celebrations). In honor of the new movie August: Osage County, which is all about family — the good and the bad, here are 5 memorable family moments from our suburban family. 

Our Wedding Day – Married 10 years this spring, every time I think about my wedding day I can’t help but smile. Surrounded by family and friends celebrating the day that I married my best friend, it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. It was magical, and we danced the night away. If I had to do it all again, I would — and I would do it exactly the same. It was amazing, and I would be happy to relive it over and over. 

Christmas at My Parent’s House – With the holidays just behind us, I can’t help to include Christmas in my top 5 most memorable moments. Even with all of the chaos and mayhem, there is nothing like that special day. For our family, we always spend Christmas Day at my parent’s house. Filled with traditions that include foods, movies and decorations that I have known since childhood. It is my favorite day of the year, and surrounded by my loved ones, it is a special holiday indeed. 

The Suburban Mom Family

Thanksgiving At The Ranch – Growing up our Thanksgiving was unlike any traditional Thanksgiving celebration. It was filled with family, friends, riding 4-wheelers, truck rides in the field and bon fires. For the first 30+ years of my life, we celebrated Thanksgiving at my Aunt’s family ranch. And it was awesome! To me, it isn’t a real Thanksgiving unless we are out in the country — and I am a suburban girl through and through. 

The Births of My Daughters – There is no greater moment in a woman’s life like the moment she becomes a mom. Filled with emotions ranging from sheer exhaustion to utter exhilaration and pure love. My life really began when I became a mom, and I cannot imagine my life without those two moments. Each unique and truly wonderful, it is my eternal hope that I can make my girls lives as happy and fulfilled as my own life was in the moment of their births. 


Awesomesauce Birthday Parties – As much as I don’t want my girls to grow up, oh if I could only freeze time, I love to celebrate their birthdays in a BIG way. The day they came into my life, nothing else mattered other than making them happy. The smile on my daughters’ face on her big day when she squeals in delight at all of my hard work makes sleepless nights and hours of crafting worth it all. I do birthdays big! (And it is time to start planning for March, someone is going to be 6!)


This Friday, August: Osage County opens in theaters everywhere. Featuring  a star-studded cast that includes Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Ewan McGregor and many more and August: Osage County is a story about family. Filled with highs, lows and hilarity, the movie is sure to remind us all of the importance of family — even family that drives us batty. 

August Osage County Movie Poster

August: Osage County tells the dark, hilarious and deeply touching story of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose lives have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. 

After you watch the movie trailer below, learn more about August: Osage County online and follow the August: Osage County Facebook page for updates about the movie. (Also make sure you check the Facebook app for more ways to win prizes.) 



One lucky winner will receive a $100 VISA gift card to use toward family fun.

To enter – Please use the Rafflecopter form below to take advantage of your entry opportunities.

Contest ends January 20, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

337 thoughts on “Memorable Family Moments ~ $100 Visa Giveaway”

  1. Top 5 Favorite Memories:
    1. Our wedding in 2003
    2a. My son’s birth
    2b. My daughter’s birth
    4. My brother in law’s wedding in 2011 that the hubs, kids and I were all in. So cute to see my kids as ring bearer and flower girl!
    5. First family trip as a kid to Hawaii…it was my first plane trip, too!

  2. Thanks for inspiring me to think of wonderful family memories. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is great to take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful times that we have already had.

  3. 1) My daughter’s birth
    2) My wedding
    3) My parent’s 50th anniversary celebration with the entire family at Walt Disney World
    4) My grandmother’s 100 birthday party
    5) My daughter’s first violin recital

  4. 1) My son’s birth.
    2) My niece and nephews births.
    3) My trip to Europe
    4) My son’s 3rd grade play
    5) Christmas with my grand parents.

  5. 1-My 3 sons births
    2-Our first family vacation to fl.
    3-My birthday this past year we had an amazing day at seaside and the beach!
    4-My sister and I exploring NYC for her very first time last christmas
    5-The first time any of my sons first started to laugh!

  6. !. Baking with my mom in the kitchen.
    2. Our summer vacations!!
    3. Milking dairy cows. We owned a dairy farm.
    4. Playing board games as a family.
    5. Swimming in our own pool!!

  7. 1)Birth of my kids
    2)Making snow tunnel cave system with my sister
    3)Dad pulling me from school randomly and having a father/son day
    4)The first hugs after returning from my deployments overseas
    5) Family reunion this past summer

  8. 1) son’s birth
    2) son’s first steps
    3) my wedding (triple – married with my sisters)
    4) graduation from UC Berkeley
    5) trip to Venice, Italy (where I got engaged)

  9. 1 – my niece being born
    2 – my sister’s wedding
    3 – Disneyworld with the family
    4 – Christmas vacation in the mountains with the whole family
    5 – my dad’s 50th birthday party

  10. 1 — breakfasts and board games with my gram at her house
    2 — beach vacations in the cottages at the Washington shore
    3 — baking with my son, especially Christmas goodies
    4 — playing badminton with my parents and sister growing up
    5 — long city walks with my husband

  11. — Family vacations to amusement parks like Disney World and Six Flags.
    — Christmases together.
    — Baby sister’s wedding in Seattle. I was bridesmaid.
    — Mom’s 60th birthday pig pickin’ party.
    — Family reunions in Nebraska.

  12. My top 5 favorite memories with my family are:
    1. my college graduation
    2. my engagement
    3. my wedding
    4. the adoption of my children
    5. my excitement from my children when starting school

  13. 1. My wedding
    2. My kids births
    3. A trip I had taken with my parents to Alaska
    4. Going to the Jersey Shore for years with my family when I was a kid and then when my brother had a family and I had a family, we continued to go with my parents for a number of years.
    5. A Cruise to Bermuda with my husband and sons.

  14. 1) Christmas-time trip to Disneyworld
    2) Meeting my boyfriend
    3) Family trip to Montreal
    4) My college graduation
    5) Family trip to Florida Keys

  15. 1. Meeting my husband, while we were in high school
    2. My wedding
    3. Birth of daughters
    4. Moving away and into first apartment
    5. Graduating college

  16. My top 5 memorable moments:
    1. The birth of my son.
    2. Trip to Myrtle Beach, SC.
    3. Getting my black belt in Tang Soo Do.
    4. My high school & college graduations.
    5. Getting engaged.

  17. 1) sister graduating collage
    2) parental wedding anniversary
    3) nephews high school graduation
    4) trip to new york with husband
    5) family reunion in the summer

  18. My top 5 memories are:
    1. Wedding and Honeymoon.
    2. The birth of my children.
    3. Buying our first house.
    4. Taking my kids on their first vacation.
    5. Seeing my kids go to Kindergarten.

  19. 1. Birth of son #1
    2. Birth of son #2
    3. College graduation of son #1
    4. College graduation of son #2
    5. Family vacation to west coast.

  20. 1. The day I met my husband
    2. The day my first son was born
    3. The day my 2nd son was born
    4. The day my daughter was born
    5. Family Trip to Disney World

  21. 1. Getting Married
    2. Having my first child
    3. Watching him grow and change
    4. Having six more kiddos
    5. Opening gifts my kids have made for me

  22. 1. wedding day Oct 4, 2003
    2. Husband returns from Iraq
    3. Birth of First Child
    4. Husband returns from Afghanistan
    5. Birth of Second Child

    (order of timeline)

  23. 1) Our wedding
    2) the birth of son #1
    3) the birth of son #2
    4) the births of our grandchildren
    5) our 40th wedding anniversary

  24. Oh jeeze – Only 5 – Okay
    1. The birth of my oldest Meladie; Got to the hospital at 2:20 had her at 2:36
    2. The birth of my Youngest Kaidynce; Oh man was she stubborn!
    3. Our wedding
    4. Watching my kids love each other unconditionally.
    5. Family trip to Ellensburg.

  25. Top 5 moments-
    1 and 2- Birth of our daughter , and birth of our son
    3. My wedding
    4. Watching our kids grow
    5. Graduation

  26. 1. My granddaughter Jackies Birth 2. My granddaughters 15th party,3. Taking my Dad to see the Carter Family fold and his reactions to it. 4. Buying my house 5. Going to see Oprah

  27. 1. Day my mother chose to not pull plug when I was in coma
    2. All the baseball games and concerts we have been to
    3. When i was a kid all the camping trips
    4. Make A Wish Trip to Orlando
    5. All the good times hanging at home eating dinner together and just talking 🙂

  28. 1. The way my mom would say “Santy Clause”
    2. Family vacations
    3. My mom being there when my husband died
    4. Saying good bye to my dad
    5. Saying good bye to my mom

  29. 1. our wedding day
    2. family vacations when i was a kid
    3. meals with my grandparents
    4. movies with my grandma
    5. sharing a bedroom

  30. 1. My son’s birth
    2. My daughter’s birth
    3. The proposal by my fiance
    4. Christmas with the inlaws
    5. Christmas with my family

  31. Having great parents
    marrying my best friend
    seeing the birth of my great niece
    getting my first dog, a teacup Chihuahua
    being a caregiver for my family

  32. 1) My marriage in 2000
    2) The birth of my son in 2003
    3) The birth of my daughter in 2001
    4) Our family vacations that we enjoy together
    5) The addition of all our furry friends

  33. 1. Our son graduating highschool
    2. Our son starting college
    3. Birth of our niece
    4. Visiit with grandkids
    5. Things with my son coming full circle

  34. 1. My kids first trip to Disney
    2. Our family road trip to the Grand Canyon
    3. A cruise with extended family
    4. Family vacations to the shore when I was a kid
    5. My wedding

  35. 1. Wedding/Honeymoon
    2. My sister returning from Iraq
    3. My nephew’s adoption after 3 year wait
    4. Nephews’ births
    5. Family vacations

  36. 1. My brothers wedding
    2. My moms second wedding
    3. my nephews birth
    4. visiting my grandma in GA
    5.Christmas eve service with family

  37. My Top 5 Favorite Memories:
    1. Our wedding
    2. The birth of my daughter
    3. Buying our first house
    4. Attending my husband’s graduation
    5. Laughing with my sister on a cruise elevator.

  38. 1- Road trip to Vegas before my dad died.
    2- First vacation with my husband.
    3- My kids’ graduations.
    4- Road trip to a family member’s funeral with my mom. (I know weird, but I really enjoyed being with my mom.)
    5- Halloween when my kids were younger.

  39. 1. The last year of my mom’s life
    2. bringing Nancy home
    3. Birth of my niece Lexi
    4. Birth of my niece Mary
    5. Birth of my nephew Jack.

  40. Top 5:
    1- my daughters birth
    2- my sons birth
    3- the day I married my husband
    4- the day I became a mom to my stepdaughters
    5- my baby sisters wedding day

  41. 1. my engagement
    2. my wedding
    3. grandmother’s birthday celebration
    4. DD’s birth
    5. Huge family get-together during holidays

  42. 1. Marrying my husband.
    2. Both of my daughters’ births.
    3. My daughters graduating from college.
    4. My daughter’s wedding.
    5. The births of my grandsons.

  43. 1. My kids birth’s
    2. Being sealed to my family in the temple
    3. My wedding
    4. weekly lunch dates with my father
    5. My last conversation with my father before he passed away of cancer 2 years ago in feb.

  44. 1. The day I met my Husband
    2. My Wedding day
    3. The day all 4 of my children were born
    4. The day the kids were christened
    5. When all my kids told me they loved me for the first time!

  45. 1. Our Wedding Day
    2. My first daughter’s birth
    3. My second daughter’s birth
    4. My first son’s birth
    5. My second son’s birth

  46. top 5

    Being born again.
    That one birthday..
    The cross in the sky in Orlando.
    Camping & waking under the pine trees. Smelled so good.
    My son.

  47. 1. Our wedding day
    2. The birth of my first daughter
    3. The birth of my second daughter
    4. Our honeymoon
    5. First time flying in an airplane

  48. 1. Birth of our son
    2. Wedding day
    3. Wedding night 😉
    4. Our son’s first birthday party
    5. The weekend the power went out for 5 days and we all slept in the living room together for warmth.

  49. 1 This Christmas my family and I went to Kalahari Resorts in Ohio. Amazing!
    2 My daughter and I rode the Staten Island Ferry
    3 We went to Disney World last year
    4 Adopting my cats
    5 Going to the Cleveland Zoo this past Autumn and seeing the black-footed cat

  50. Our Wedding Day
    Births of our Children
    Taking the kids (with my mom & dad before my dad passed away) to Disney for the first time
    Our family trip (us, mom, sister & family, brother & family) to a cabin in the mountains for Christmas
    Every Christmas Eve with our entire (HUGE!) extended family.

  51. 1. My Wedding
    2. Birth of my first son.
    3. Birth of my second son.
    4. Birth of my third son.
    5. Birth of my grandson.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  52. 1. Birth of our son
    2. Wedding day
    3. Traveling a bunch with family and friends
    4. Soccer trip to Santiago, Chile

  53. 1.Moving to Arizona
    2.Family Vacations driving to disney world from IL 24 hours in a car in the days with no internet or cell phones!
    3.Watching Chicago Bears games and having dinner at noon on Sundays growing up
    4.Birth of my nephew
    5. Every Xmas when I was a kid, my parents are/were amazing!

  54. 1. My wedding
    2. My daughter’s wedding
    3. My son starring as Ralphie in a Christmas Story
    4. Birthing my 3 kids
    5. Hugging Criss Angel

  55. . The day I excepted Jesus as my savior.
    2. My graduation.
    3. My wedding day.
    4. Birth of my daughter.
    5. First Christmas with my daughter.

  56. 1. Fist Kiss with my now hubby Ron.
    2. Wedding day
    3. 2 weeks in Hawaii honeymoon
    4. Birth of Son – now 22
    5. Birth of Daughter – now 20

  57. 1 – Wedding
    2- Birth of first daughter
    3- Birth of second daughter
    4 – My sister coming back into our lives and her wedding day!
    5 – Celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary

  58. 1-3. Birth of my three daughters
    4. The day(s) I adopted my dogs and cats (I can’t rank these)
    5. Watching my daughters (all three) dance in various Nutcracker productions in Chicago

  59. This is awesome!
    1. Graduating College
    2. Becoming a traveling nurse
    4.Wedding Day
    5.Expecting our first baby in May!


  60. 1. When I met my husband in high school
    2. When he proposed to me in Hawaii!
    3.When we got married
    4. When we got our dog, Jager
    5. Trip to France

  61. 1. Weekend in Bar Harbor and playing with the dog by the water
    2. Driving up the New York Thruway at night, listening to the radio, watching the blinking light towers
    3. Trip to the BMW Motorcycle Rally
    4. Watching the northern lights
    5. Seeing a huge moose

  62. 1. Family vacation to Canada
    2. Going to Africa with my Mom and brother
    3. Spending Christmas all together
    4. Going to a family reunion
    5. Having a dog as kids

  63. 1. My wedding.
    2. My brother’s wedding.
    3. The birth of my nieces.
    4. The birth of my nephew.
    5. My first trip to Disney.

  64. 1. My older son starting kindergarten
    2. my younger son starting prek
    3. family trip to Turkey
    4. Family trip to Cyprus
    5. Turning 40!

  65. 1. Christmases growing up
    2. spending time with my Nana as a kid
    3. Easters as a kid, trying to find my basket and dying eggs
    4. our family trip to Italy
    5. going to Glacier National Park with my parents and boyfriend

  66. 1) The births of all 4 of my children are tied for 1st.
    2) Graduation from college the same time as my mom.
    3) When my children began to smile
    4) The first steps of my children.
    5) My 1st anniversary memories.

  67. 1. birth of my two sons
    2. birth of my grandchildren
    3. talking to my mom
    4. helping a family member with a problem
    5. seeing my autistic grandson sing his favorite song

  68. – Christmas vacays in Jamaica
    -Mom’s college graduation
    -Birth of my cousins
    -phone convos with my aunt about boys
    -talking to my gram about my sweepstakes

  69. -College Graduation
    -Birth of my niece
    -Purchasing my own home
    -25th Surprise Birthday Party
    -Holidays spent with loved ones

  70. My top five favorite memories:

    1) Birth of my daughter
    2) Daughter’s wedding day
    3) My college graduation
    4) My second college graduation
    5) My first day of work

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  71. * Birth of my daughter
    * Graduation
    * Grandmother and my joint birthday party
    * Christmas in disney world
    * Family vacation to Georgia

  72. 1. My Wedding
    2. Christmas Eve Wedding of my Mom and Stepfather
    3. My Oldest Sister’s Wedding
    4. My other Sister’s Wedding
    5. Holiday’s we were all able to spend together

  73. 1. Birth of my son
    2. Birth of my daughter
    3. Any holiday I get to spent with my family
    4. Fourth of July 2012
    5. Sunday night family dinners

  74. 1. The birth of my daughter
    2. The birth of my granddaughter
    3. The birth of my grandson
    4. Taking care of my grandchildren for two weeks in 2012
    5. Every holiday celebration with my family

  75. !. Birth of my 2 daughters
    2. Birth of 3 grandkids
    3. Retiring from teaching for 33 years
    4. Meeting my best friend of over 40 years
    5. Taking care of 2 of my grandkids while my daughter teaches

  76. 1. Sharing my dreams and goals with my grandma
    2. The birth of my cousins
    3. My uncles wedding
    4. Family picnics
    5. Talking to my sister about everything and anything

  77. Birth of my son.
    Birth of first granddaughter.
    Birth of second granddaughter.
    My first trip to Disney World with tour guides being my granddaughters.
    Every Christmas Eve watching my granddaughters open their gifts.

  78. 1. Meeting my husband at O’Hare airport for the first time when he flew over from Australia to propose.
    2. The proposal.
    3. The family meal announcing our engagement.
    4. The Christmas I surprised my husband with Chicago Bulls tickets.
    5. Our wedding day, in March, in Michigan, in a blizzard.

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail . com

  79. Meeting my Husband
    Marrying my husband
    Giving birth to my oldest son
    Giving birth to my daughter
    giving birth to my youngest

  80. birth of my 4 children
    birth of my 2 granddaughters
    Christmas with my granddaughters
    moving to country home
    anytime with my Mom!

  81. 1. Christmas with my Grandparents
    2. Wedding No# 3, third and final marriage
    3. 15th wedding anniversary to hubby
    4. Adopted my two wonderful cats
    5. Meeting my husband’s daughter for first time

  82. 1. My wedding day
    2. The birth of my children (each was so different yet amazing)
    3. My kids’ wedding
    4. The pregnancy announcement of my grandchildren!
    5. The birth of my grand babies.

  83. 1. my mom’s last christmas having us all together
    2. family road trip from Wyoming to Maine
    3. week in Chicago with my mom
    4. snowed in holiday in Maine
    5. easter egg hunting with my brothers as adults

  84. 1. Wedding day
    2. birth of my daughters
    3. vacations to virginia
    4. camping out in the backyard as kids
    5. having birthday parties for my dolls

  85. 1. Family vacation in the Bahamas
    2. Honeymoon in Italy
    3. Building a house together in Alaska
    4. French Christmas
    5. Brothers wedding in NY C

  86. 1. Trip to Switzerland
    2. Boating with Grandma & Grandpa
    3. Birth of my nieces & nephews
    4. Other grandma teaching me to cook
    5. Going to work with my dad on Saturdays

  87. My favorite memories with family and loved ones are…
    1.) Fishing with my dad
    2.) Sleep overs with my cousin
    3.) Ice cream dates with my mom
    4.) When my elderly neighbor held my hand, she told me I was pretty and a good girl…to wait for the right guy
    5.) When my brother comforted me after I got hurt

  88. My top 5 moments:

    Birth of my daughter
    Climbing Mesoamerican Pyramid
    Playing Murphy’s St Patrick’s Day
    New Orleans Parade

  89. The day I had my son
    the day i had my daughter
    the day i had my other daughter
    the day we went on vacation
    moving to our new house

  90. 1. When my son was born
    2. When my son took his first steps
    3. when I graduated
    4. Meeting my Fiance’
    5. Getting my first car

  91. 1. The birth of my son.
    2. My dad’s funeral. This sounds weird I know, but he planned it himself, and it was just so HIM. It was beautiful.
    3. My wedding day, on my grandpa’s dock on Lake Superior with 85 of our nearest and dearest.
    4. Any day that I get to take my 4 year old somewhere special.
    5. Christmas morning with my 86 year old Grandpa.

  92. 1. my son being born.
    2. my son first B-day.
    3. Buying my first house.
    4. First time going to Disney world.
    5. getting my dog.

  93. 1. my 3rd wedding to my soul mate.
    2. the birth of my son
    3. the birth of my daughter
    4. the adoption of my 3rd child
    5. the birth of my nephew

  94. 1. Getting my puppy
    2. when we went to the zoo, and the Galápagos turtle got up and walked all the way over to me
    3. Saturday nights with my brother
    4. Christmas day
    5. trip to N.C.

  95. 1. Our wedding day.
    2. Birth of our daughter.
    3. Purchasing our first house.
    4. Birth of our son.
    5. Birth of our daughter.

    Bonus #6. Everyday I get to spend with my husband and best friend. 🙂

  96. 1. My wedding day.
    2. Buying our first home.
    3. Birth of my daughter.
    4. Birth of my second daughter.
    5. Spending time with my grandparents over the holidays.

  97. #1 my wedding
    #2 birth of my son Aaron
    #3 birth of my son Dominic
    #4 trip to New Zealand with my family
    #5 vacationing on Padre Island with my family

  98. 1. Birth of triplets.
    2. Birth of my baby #4.
    3. Wedding.
    4. Finding out I was pregnant with triplets.
    5. Finding out I was having a girl for number 4.

  99. mine is when i was young i was at my grandmaws all the time if i got sick got hurt thats where i went and everytime we went anywhere i got ice cream even in the dead of winter

  100. 1-the birth of my sons
    2-a trip to Wisconsin to see family we don’t see regularly
    3-getting married
    4- having my parents visit last year for Christmas
    5- getting 1 more year with my dog after he was diagnosed with cancer

  101. Committing my life to Jesus
    Marrying my husband in a gazebo being eaten by bugs
    Adopting my little doggie
    Graduating college
    summer trips to Florida every year as a kid

  102. 1. When my first child was born
    2. my wedding
    3. my 2nd child was born
    4. my 3rd child was born
    5 my 4th child was born and also survived his fist surgery

  103. Tied for 1st- birth of my two kids
    3. Graduating from the police academy
    4. Wedding Day
    5. Playing in my first college hockey game on live tv

  104. #1: Finding out that we were FINALLY pregnant
    #2: Birth of our son
    #3: Wedding Day
    #4: Having my brother from for the holidays after being deployed
    #5: Saving a cat from being a stray…even though we only had her for 5 years (died from lung cancer) We would do it again in a heartbeat!

  105. I’m finding this difficult. Is it because I’m a guy with no kids? Lol.
    Let’s see.

    Honeymoon in Bermuda
    Taking in a rescue cat (Oscar!)
    Dad’s funeral
    Cousin’s charming beach wedding
    Anniversary trip to Greece

  106. My top 5 are:
    1. finding out I was pregnant with my daughter
    2. My daughter’s birth
    3. Disney World with my daughter
    4. My mom’s surprise 50th birthday party
    5. Visiting my sister in NYC

  107. all my favorite family memories are vacations we have taken together, so i guess the top 5 are london, jamaica, disneyworld, cancun and san francisco

  108. 1) my sons being born
    2) the look on my older son’s face in the hospital when he came to visit us and realized the baby was born
    3) Our beach trip to the NC coast
    4) Christmas morning
    5) Baby’s first smile

  109. 1. Meeting my husband on our first date
    2. Marrying my husband
    3. Finding out we were pregnant
    4. Giving birth to our son
    5. Hearing our son say “I love you” for the first time

  110. 1 Birth of my daughter
    2 Wedding day
    3 Meeting my husband for the first time
    4 The drive to the hospital to give birth
    5 My daughter’s first cmas

  111. my wedding day
    The birth of my children
    When my husband proposed
    moving into our house
    when my granddaughter was born

  112. Goodness, this is harder than I thought!
    The birth of my daughter
    The birth of my grandson
    My wedding – more of a comedy than one would expect, beginning with my husband arranging a judge on a Saturday morning instead of a justice of the peace for a Saturday afternoon (meaning my cousin was working and couldn’t be there), continuing to the judge being in a hurry to get off and rushing us through the tunnel under the courthouse to his chambers, and concluding with one guest arriving just as we were leaving!
    My daughter’s first wedding (she’s on her 3rd divorce)
    The episode where I broke both wrists simultaneously and all that followed!

  113. 1) My wedding day
    2) Birth of my three boys
    3) Birth of our 2 grandsons
    4) Meeting my best friend of 43 years
    5) My favorite job that lasted 17 years

  114. 1- the birth of all four of my sons
    2- the weddings of all four of my sons
    3- the births and presence of all 7 grandchildren
    4- our family trip to Disneyland
    5- my 46 year marriage to my dear hubby and still counting.

  115. Kids’ Births
    Son graduating medical school
    Daughter graduating HS (she’s in college now)
    Getting married
    Buying our home

  116. my top 5
    when I met my husbands children
    when I got married
    when we got onto active duty military orders
    when I gave birth to my daughter
    when I found out that I am pregnant with #2

  117. My dad just died, so these mean a lot more to me now.

    1. Disneyland
    2. Illinois
    3. North Carolina
    4. All of the zoo trips
    5. Getting our puppies

  118. #1 The birth of my son & daughter
    #2 My Wedding Day
    #3 Our Honeymoon in Florida
    #4 Going to Florida for our one year anniversary with our son!
    #5 Taking our family to visit my grandma

  119. 1. Getting my dogs
    2. Meeting my boyfriend
    3. Spending time with my family
    4. Buying my first house
    5. Spring Break to Edmonton, Alberta

  120. 1. Falling in love with my husband
    2. Finding out I was pregnant
    3. Hearing my baby’s heart beat for the first time
    4. Our honeymoon
    5. boating with my family

  121. 1 – Our wedding Day
    2 – Births of our 3 children (15 years apart from oldest to youngest)
    3 – our daughter’s wedding.
    4 – our 25th Anniversary
    5 – Our first Grandchild!

  122. 1. wedding day
    2. finding out we are pregnant
    3. birth of my first son
    4. birth of my second son
    5. my mom serving a heart attack and & my dad making it out of open heart surgery

  123. 1. Birth of my first child.
    2. Birth of my second child.
    3. Birth of my third child.
    4. First family skiing trip.
    5. Family reunion.

  124. 1. getting married
    2. seeing my grandfather before he passed
    3. going on our first vacation as a couple
    4. getting our cats
    5. learning to ride a bike

  125. 1. Getting engaged on the Great Wall of China
    2. Traveling to Asia with my mother
    3. Traveling to South America with one of my best friends
    4. Winters playing on a frozen pond
    5. Seeing my fiancé after two years apart

  126. 1. My 1st son being born
    2. My second son being born
    3. My 3rd son being born
    4. Meeting my husband
    5. The first time my disabled son looked directly in my eyes and smiled.

  127. 1. The birth of my daughter
    2. The birth of my son
    3. The day I met my husband
    4. The day I married my husband
    5. Our first “family” pet, Venus!

  128. 1. Birth of my daughter
    2. Birth of my son
    3. The day I met my husband
    4. The day I married my husband
    5. Our first “family” pet, Venus

  129. 1. Our wedding
    2. Birth of each of our sons
    3. Christmases with family
    4. My parent’s 50th anniversary
    5. Family vacation to Pigeon Forge.

  130. 1) meeting my daughter for the first time
    2) her first dress
    3) our first trip to disney world
    4) christmas mornings
    5) my daughters first birthday

  131. 1.Meeting my wife
    2. Getting married to my wife in Vegas
    3. Traveling across the country with my wife
    4. Finding out she was pregnant
    5. Meeting my daughter for the first time

  132. Our great Christmas tradition of spending the night together!
    Watching my granddaughter’s face when she opened her first presents this year
    Buying gifts for my granddaughter
    Just hanging out with my kids
    Being very thankful for all of my blessings (family is healthy, lots of love, etc.!)

  133. 1. Summer vacations in the Poconos
    2. Macy’s light show every Christmas
    3. Trips to Disney
    4. The birth of my children
    5. my wedding day

  134. 1. The birth of my children
    2. My second 😉 wedding day!
    3. Spending time with my Dad
    4. Going Zorbing in TN!
    5. Trip to Niagra Falls.

  135. 1. Meeting my best friend and now husband!
    2. The birth of my son.
    3. The birth of my daughter.
    4. Finding out that I’m pregnant with my 3rd child!
    5. Spending time with my Grandma, I miss her so much.

  136. 1. meeting my husband on my 23rd birthday
    2. marrying my best friend for life
    3. finding out im pregnant for the 1st time
    4. giving birth to my son
    5. having my mom move & live with us here in US

    i really have so many great memories but this 5 was the best and i am really grateful & thankful bout it.

  137. 1.first kiss with my boyfriend
    2.first time we slept in a tent on fishing
    3.our first summer vacation sister’s birth brother’s birth

  138. 1. My first date with my husband.
    2. My proposal.
    3. My wedding day.
    4. Finding out we were expecting twins.
    5. Each of my children’s births,

  139. 1. Our wedding
    2. Birth of our son
    3. Birth of our daughter
    4. Bringing our daughter home (she was a preemie & spent 5 weeks in the nicu)
    5. Moving into our new homw

  140. My 5 favorite memories are:
    1. Marrying my husband.
    2. The birth of my children.
    3. Fishing with my Grandpa.
    4. Camping with my Mom.
    5. Our family trip to Texas.
    I smiled as I thought of these! Thanks for the great start to my day!

  141. 1) My aunt’s wedding.

    2) My mom’s 50th birthday party.

    3) My sister’s bat mitzvah.

    4) My bat mitzvah.

    5) My family trips to Boise every summer to spend time with my family up there.

  142. 1. my son being born
    2. spending my moms last christmas and mothers day with her
    3. going back home to visit after 5.5 years.
    4. Fuzzy lap full of cats
    5. getting a job after 6.5 years of being jobless

  143. !. Having my son
    2. Having my son survive at 1yr type 1 Diabetes
    3.My son having a heart transplant and surviving
    4. having my daughter
    5. having my daughter survive Lymphoma at 7

  144. !. The birth of my children.
    2, Graduating college.
    3. My divorce day.
    4. Buying my home.
    5. Taking my youngest to Disneyland.

  145. son being born
    2. going to the beach as a child morning
    4. easter at grandmas
    5. going camping with my family

  146. Top 5 –
    1. Meeting my future husband at a local concert
    2. Our wedding day, March 28, 2006
    3. Oct 6, 2010 – positive pregnancy test!
    4. June 15, 2011 Our beautiful girl was born
    5. November 2013 – family vacation to Florida

  147. Getting married. Having my daughter. Getting a greyhound. Celebrating Christmas with my family. Going on a cruise for our 30th anniversary.

  148. going on the polar express with my niece; visiting with my mom during college; when my niece was born; an amish country vacation with my family; visiting my great grandmother when i was young

  149. 1. The birth of my son
    2. The trip to the coast with my son’s mom
    3. Getting a job and moving back here in town again.
    4. Proposing to my fiance.
    5. All the Christmases, Thanksgivings, Birthdays, Easter and other family gatherings from when I was little until now.

  150. 1-day my hubby proposed
    2-day I got married
    3-day I found out I was pregnant
    4-day my son was born
    5-family cruise vacation

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”

    wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com

  151. My favorite memories are the days our Son and Daughter were born, our family trip to Walt Disney World, the Christmas morning our Son got his first electric guitar for Christmas, when we surprised our Daughter with a new car and our family reunion in 2012. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

  152. 1 fishing with my father , uncle , brothers and cousins
    2. swimming with my father down a long stream with islands.
    3. listening to my father sing “Kansas City “while he bounced me on his knee
    4. Eating banana pudding with vanilla wafers my mom made especially for me while listening to may parents tell a bedtime story in tandem.
    5. Me and my younger brother learning gospel tunes from our mother.

  153. 1. When my husband proposed to me
    2. When I found out I was pregnant with each of my kids
    3. The birth of each of my kids
    4. Christmas mornings
    5. Their first smiles

  154. when my kids were born
    when they learned to walk
    the first day of school
    the last day of there schooling
    and the birth of my grandson

  155. When my son was born
    FIrst day of school
    first christmas for my son
    first snowfall for my son
    son’e first trip to disney

  156. When I realized my sister was my best friend.
    The moment right before I got engaged.
    Every family vacation as a kid.
    The first time my little son smiled at my big son.
    Our first family hug as a family of four.

  157. giving birth
    my grandchildren’s birth
    my daughters wedding
    my college graduation at age 54 with everyone in attendance
    my son coming out of a coma

  158. Big Sunday dinners after Sunday School of fried chicken
    Fishing at the river with my family when I was a kid
    Playing in the rain and in the creak after a heavy rain
    New Years Eve and watching scary movies
    Chiller on Saturday nights

  159. 1 meeting my birth daughter
    2 going to Christmas eve midnight mass
    3 Christmas play each year – new tradition
    4 taking part in Thanksgiving walk/run at the Y
    5 taking a family trip to Denver CO

    Thank you.

  160. 1. Graduation from college
    2. Becoming a God Mother
    3. Holidays
    4. Finding a soul mate (still working on this one)
    5. Getting married (see above about soul mate)

  161. 1. Birth of 1st son
    2. Birth of 2nd son (really a tie for first place)
    3. Last Thanksgiving with Dad before he passed
    4. Middle Son’s baptism
    5. Oldest son’s high school graduation

  162. 1. Surprising my mom by flying my brother in from North Carolina home to St. Louis on Christmas eve
    2. Remaking childhood photos with my 2 brothers
    3. Finally getting my mom to get on a plane and taking her for a birthday trip to Orlando
    4. Hugging my mom in the airport after I came back from 2 years in Argentina
    5. Getting our first family dog, Jake

  163. The night I met my husband
    His proposal
    Our wedding, day of and day after
    The birth of our first child
    The day we introduced our oldest to her sister

  164. Top five… wow.

    Family trip to Hilton Head
    Family trip to Disney
    Family trip to the Biltmore Estate in NC
    Any day spent driving around with my husband.

    The whole big family, including my 88 year old grandparents, their 4 children, 8 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren, all together.

  165. The day I met my husband (to be)
    The night he proposed
    Our wedding day
    The birth of our children
    Our many family camping trips
    Our family trip to Disney this past August

  166. Chronologically:
    My wedding day
    Closing on our home
    The birth of my son
    Telling my son that he would be a big brother
    The birth of my daughter

  167. My wedding date, the birth of my son, the birth of my daughter, our trip to Disney and buying our home are my top five. Thanks for the chance.

  168. 1. Marrying my husband!
    2. The birth of my niece.
    3. The birth of my nephew.
    4. Buying a house with my husband.
    5. Graduating with EDS!


  170. My son’s birth, My son’s awesome football game he had (a day he will never forget), every Christmas with my family, my high school graduation, and all my nieces and nephew’s births! 🙂

  171. 1. Just the other day my husband and I were talking in bed after the kids were asleep. It turned into a complete laugh-fest stemming, mostly, from just how comfortable we are with each other. We’ve only been married 7+ years, but, according to my grandparents, it just keeps getting better.
    2. Any day where my kids are giggling, rolling on the floor in tickle-wrestling matches with my husband.
    3. Holding my newborn babies in hospitals.
    4. Watching my husband hold our newborn babies.
    5. Watching my kids come to each others’ rescue. Whether it be a bruised knee or spirit.

  172. Meeting my husband for the first time
    Our first date
    When he proposed
    Our wedding day
    Dancing on the streets of Spain during our honeymoon

  173. 1. The day I graduated from college.
    2. The day I met my husband.
    3. The day he proposed to me.
    4. My wedding day.
    5. The day my son was born.

  174. The day my daughter was born
    Her first day of kindergarten
    Vacation in atlantic city, nj
    my daughters first christmas
    my daughters first birthday

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  175. I don’t have many family moments to share because I’m only 24. I’m not gonna sit here and make something up. My family has managed to stay strong though through very tough times. I started having severe seizures in 2011 suddenly and have them daily. My younger brother was recently diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer. My only 2 nephews both were diagnosed with autism this year. Somehow we have managed to stick together and keep strong and support each other. You can’t let family fall apart or feel alone when anyone is weak. I know this is supposed to be a post about the best times of your life and it comes off as a real negative one, but our best times were when we stood together when life got tough.

  176. giving birth to both of my sons is the #1
    going to my very first concert
    buying my first house
    my high school graduation
    holding my grandchildren for the very first time

  177. 1. My marriage to my sweet husband
    2. Celebrating my 50th Wedding Anniversary
    3. The birth of children
    4. a trip to Hawaii given to us by my children
    5. A medical report that says I don’t have cancer

  178. 1. Having my grandma live up stairs and seeing her daily
    2. Spending time with my sick grandpa as a kid
    3. Dating my hubby
    4 Getting engaged, married and then birth of my 2 kids

  179. feeling my daughter move inside me for the fist time
    Giving birth
    getting married
    our first vacation
    getting our first family pet

  180. Spending time with my friends
    Spending time with my family
    Entering highschool
    Getting my first debit card
    Going to my first concert

  181. The birth of my niece
    the birth of my nephew
    the birth of my other nephew
    christmas dinner at my sister’s house
    summers at my grandparents

  182. Bringing my daughter home from the NICU
    Getting Married
    Seeing my husband hold our healthy baby girl
    Going to the beach
    Going on our family vacation/

  183. 1) My daughters birth.
    2) Moving to Florida.
    3) Every moment I get to visit with my family back home in GA.
    4) Getting back into college for something that I LOVE this year.
    5) My daughters first dance recital.

  184. 1. getting married
    2. moving into our current house
    3. vacation last summer
    4. first holiday dinner I cooked
    5. being snowed in – any of the times

  185. 1 – my daughter’s birth
    2 – teaching my daughter to ski
    3 – my mom teaching me to swim
    4 – fishing with my dad
    5 – watching my grandmother cook (yum)

  186. 1. graduating from high school
    2. graduating from college
    3. having my son
    4. my son saying mama for first time after his mouth operation
    5. my son turning 13, a teenager!

  187. Having my kids
    Getting married
    All the holiday baking/cooking I got to do with my grandmother
    The family vacation we try to take every Summer
    Having my kids wake me up every Christmas at about 5 am (which is funny since they can barely wake up for school)

  188. My top five memories are:
    1. Marrying my husband
    2. Moving to America
    3. Giving birth to my three precious boys
    4. Going camping for the first time with kids
    5. Buying our new house

  189. birth of my kids, camping trips as a kid and then with my kids, skydiving with my son, Cancun with my husband-no kids, watching my parents love my children

  190. 1. Marrying my husband
    2. Making holiday meals with my Mom
    3. Giving birth to my two children
    4. Going on a cruise together
    5. Buying our new house

  191. 1.meeting my husband
    2. marrying my husband
    3. The day my son was born
    4. The day my son first said “mama”
    5. when my son first walked

  192. 1. the one family vacation we took when I was a kid…to Yellowstone!
    2. meeting my hubs in an off chance at the grocery store!
    3. watching my son catch his first fish!
    4. listening to my daughter read an entire sentence by herself for the first time!
    5. and spending time with my grandma when I was a kid, cooking and baking with her, and learned how to sew and crochet. I sure miss that lady now!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  193. 1. Meeting my awesome husband
    2. Getting married to my husband
    3. Giving Birth to my son
    4. The first time my son said”Good Morning Mommy”
    5. Buying our first home.

  194. My 8th birthday party
    Camping trip
    Going to six flags America
    Going to Hilton Head Island, SC with my boyfriend
    When my boyfriend, and I bought our puppy.. Meeting him for the very first time is an unforgettable moment

  195. 1. Summer concerts at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego.
    2. Magic Mountain for my 16th Birthday.
    3. My wedding.
    4. The birth of my son.
    5. Moving into my very own house.

  196. Getting married
    Birth of daughter
    Family vacay to England, meeting relatives for the first time!
    Fostering animals
    Seeing the space shuttle fly over our house!

  197. 1. Being at the hospital when my nephew was born.
    2. Going to my moms graduation from the US Army
    3. Playing basketball at the school every day during the summer with my cousin and my brother
    4. Decorating the Christmas tree every year as a family.
    5. My mom taking me and my brother and sister for walks to my great grand mothers house

  198. 1) I told my Mom I was going to have twins.
    2) The day I got Married.
    3) Every Summer, when I was a child,I would spend 2 weeks with my Grand parents.
    4) Christmas
    5) When my Babies were born.

  199. 1. giving birth to twins and later my 12 yo daughter
    2.holding my youngest daughter after she was born and I ended up in ICU
    3. going to church with my grandmother and family for family day
    4. going on family vacation with my mother’s family
    5.going to my cousin’s wedding

  200. 1. When my son was born
    2. When my daughter was born
    3. When we went camping for a week and went on a canoe trip
    4. When we went on a picnic at the lake and the whole family was there, all generations
    5. Going on a family road trip in our home state

  201. Getting married
    Meeting my son for the first time.
    Watching my son take his first steps.
    Having family time.
    Seeing my son in the snow for the first time

  202. Top five favorite memories with my kids:
    1. My son’s birthday
    2. My daughter’s birthday
    3. Disney World
    4. Trip to Philadelphia
    5. Great Escape theme park

  203. Marrying my husband
    The births of my children
    My son’s reaction to meeting his sister for the first time.
    My husband coming home from a yearlong deployment

  204. 1. My wedding
    2. Trips to Hilton head Island
    3. Camping trips (specifically with my dad)
    4. Redskins games
    5. Golfing

  205. The first time I saw each one of my 4 children when they were born. The first time I saw my Grandchildren when they were born.

  206. getting engaged
    my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s wedding
    nephew’s birth
    my sister getting married
    annual trips to Toronto!

  207. Getting married 🙂
    The birth of my first son Austin 🙂
    The birth of my daughter Emily 🙂
    The birth of my second son Julian 🙂
    Finding out that we’re having another boy Ephraim 🙂

  208. 1. the birth of my daughter
    2. the day I married my husband and became Mom to his son
    3. the day my husband and son proposed to me together
    4. our many days at Disneyland as a family
    5. My husbands most recent birthday when our son came out from CA to be with us and all 4 of us were together again, if even just for the weekend.

  209. My top five are:

    My proposal from my husband
    My wedding
    The birth of my children
    Our first Christmas together
    My childrens first birthdays


  210. Christmas with both sides of my family growing up.
    Birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses (for me! :P)
    My now husband proposing to me.
    Waking up to see my daughter for the first time.
    Finding out I’m preggo with #2.

  211. The birth of each of my daughters (4 of them) and the birth of my grandson. They are my world, my life and mean everything to me.

  212. 1. My children being born.
    2. Christmas dinners at Grandma’s house
    3. Spending summer with my Gaga
    4. Family vacation my junior year
    5. Fishing with Dad and Grandpa

  213. 1. Meeting my boyfriend.
    2. Meeting his daughter.
    3. Getting a cat together.
    4. Having our first Christmas together.
    5. Going on our first vacation together.

  214. Meeting my hubby,
    the birth of my daughter
    My daughter getting student of the month, twice
    reuniting with my dads side of the family
    when I got my cat, Lily

  215. 1. the birth of my daughter
    2. my wedding day
    3. Our family vacation to Alaska
    4. Our family vacation to New York
    5. Our very first cruise to Mexico

  216. when i was 4 we went to disney world.

    when i was 8 i won a spelling bee.

    when i was 6 i went to colorado on an airplane.

    mexico when i was 18.

    graduation when i was 18.

    i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

  217. 1. the birth of each of my four children
    2. taking our kids to the ocean for the first time
    3. taking a road trip to Kentucky and Illinois
    4. our first family camping trip
    5. moving into our house

  218. 5.Started bible study with my daughter
    4.Went to Universal Studios as family
    3.Had a fun 2 day road trip
    2.Graduated college
    1.Me marrying my soul mate

  219. 1. First time going to Disney
    2. SeaWorld in California
    3. Everytime I’ve had a neice/nephew born
    4. When my Godson was born!
    5. When I got married!

  220. my wedding
    telling my husband I was pregnant with our son
    my son’s first sentence (age 5 – he was autistic) calling to chipmunk at Yellowstone “Hey you, come back here!”)
    My son calling me Mom for the first time – age 6.
    My son graduating from high school. (regular diploma.)

  221. An extended family trip to Australia
    Christmas with my extended family growing up
    Meeting my husband
    Getting married
    buying our first house

  222. My daughter’s birth
    Road trip with my daughter and nephew
    Fishing with husband
    Christmas Eve party at my mother’s
    Family reunion- sitting outside until well after midnight reminiscing and laughing

  223. 1. The birth of my oldest daughter.
    2. The birth of my middle daughter.
    3. The birth of my youngest daughter.
    4. Christmases with my girls.
    5. Making Halloween Costumes with my girls.

  224. 1. Birth of each of my children
    2. our family trip to San Fran when I was 11
    3. When we spent the weekend at a really pretty beach on the gulf for my oldest son’s 2nd birthday
    4. Finding out I was pregnant after trying for 2 yrs
    5. buying my first car!

  225. My top 5 favorite memories with my loved ones are:
    1) Seeing my daughter graduate
    2) My daughter being born
    3) Holidays with loved ones
    4) Warm Summer nights outside
    5) The unconditional love of every pet I’ve had (They’re loved ones too!)

  226. winning my first tennis tournament
    having a great childhood period..
    marrying my hubby 25 years tomorrow
    surviving cancer
    getting to adopt the most beautiful daughter in the whole wide world!!!

  227. 1. my vacations to Maine with my mom
    2. my vacations via cruise with my dad
    3. my brothers wedding
    4. my mom’s college graduation
    5. my law school graduation

  228. 1. all of my memories with my significant other.
    2. trips with various loved ones.
    3. baking with my mom as a kid.
    4. summers spent with cousins.
    5. holiday get togethers.

  229. The birth of my girls
    Marrying my hubby
    Our first family vacation
    First day of school for each of my girls
    Family get togethers when my girls were smaller
    Thank you!!

  230. 1. The birth of my son
    2. The birth of my daughter
    3. Meeting my boyfriend
    4. Being at my Mom’s Wedding
    5. Birth of my Niece

  231. -the day my daughter was born
    -my wedding day
    -taking my daughter to Disney World for the first time
    -taking random road trips
    -this past Christmas vacation to NOLA

  232. 1. The birth of my children
    2. Gradution from college
    3. vacation to florida with my sister and mom
    4. Trip to Disney with my children
    5. My divorce party

  233. 1. All of the time my family spent at the beach when I was a kid.
    2. The day my daughter was born.
    3. Being in delivery when all three of my grand children were born.
    4. Spending time with my family during the holidays.
    5. Cooking and baking with my 87 year old grandmother. She’s teaching me all of her recipe secrets 🙂

  234. The birth of my son
    The day my brother married my sister in law and my niece and best friend came into our family
    The birth of my God Daughter
    The birth of my 3 grandkids
    Watching my God Daughter graduate from High School

  235. 1. College graduation
    2.Family Reunion Cruise
    3. Getting a new Job
    4. Cousin got married
    5. going to Savannah,GA for the 4th of July

  236. 1. meeting the love of my life!
    2. Getting married.
    3. rescuing my 6 pets
    4.vacation to kentucky
    5. getting our first home.

  237. 1. Marrying my husband.
    2.The Birth of my daughter.
    3.Christmas Eve dinners at my grandmother and grandfather’s house with all the family.
    4. Family Beach vacations with my husband,daughter, and other family members.
    5.Meeting my daughters fiance.

  238. The birth of my Daughter
    Christmas at my Grandmothers
    Easter Egg Hunts as a Child
    Vacation time in Tillamook Oregon at Grandparents
    Christmas Caroling with family

  239. 1. Birth of my children
    2. Birth of my grandson
    3. Children’s HS graduations
    4. Daughters college graduation
    5. The wonderful memories of my grandparents and parents!

    jofo120 at yahoo dot com


  240. Tell me your top 5 favorite memories with their (your) family or loved ones :

    5. Grandpa getting out of prison after 35 years.
    4. My dad teaching me how to drink when I was 13.
    3. The first time I saw mom punch a man in the face.
    2. The jury finding Uncle Bobby not guilty.
    1. Our family cashing that first natural gas check. We can no longer drink the water but we are rich.

  241. It’s hard to choose just 5. I’ve had a lifetime of mostly great memories.
    1. Getting married
    2. Having a son.
    3. Having a daughter
    4. Buying our first home.
    5. Having another daughter.
    Thanks for this contest.

  242. 1. The last family gathering we had when my Grandmother was still alive.
    2. Baking cookies as a kid with my mom.
    3. Good health after serious illnesses.
    4. All the holidays!
    5. The baby being born.

  243. 1. Vacation all across Canada to PEI.
    2. Visiting Washington,DC and the museums
    3. Seeing Yellowstone Park and geysers.
    4. Cruise to Alaska
    5. Trip to Patagonia, Chile
    Thanks for the contest.


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