12 Back-To-School Books To Get Your Student Excited About Kindergarten

As I sit and watch my K play with Play-Doh, I am secretly a big bundle of nerves. I am waiting for that all-important call from her new teacher to find out what class she will be in. The call could come today, tomorrow or Thursday — oh I do hope it will come soon. To pass the time, I started looking at books to help calm her first day of school jitters (or maybe my own). 

12 Back To School Kindergarten Books

12 Back To School Books 

Kindergarten Here I Come – This adorable picture book celebrates all the familiar milestones and moments shared by every single kindergartener. Whether it’s the first-day-of-school jitters or the hundredth-day-of-school party, every aspect of the kindergarten experience is introduced with a light and funny poem–not to mention charming illustrations. (We own, personal recommendation.)

Amelia Bedelia’s First Day of School – See Amelia Bedelia as a kid! A literal-minded first-grader’s first day of school is filled with confusing adventures, yet friendships are formed, lessons learned, projects completed and through it all Mrs. Edwards, Amelia’s teacher, offers gentle guidance.

Biscuit Goes to School – This story  about Biscuit, uses simple language to tell of his adventures following his mistress to school. Sadly, dogs are not supposed to go to school, but that doesn’t deter this impish fellow. Chaos ensues, but of course all ends well. Bonus, it is an “I Can Read Book” — perfect for beginning readers. 

The Night Before Kindergarten – It’s the first day of school! Join the kids as they prepare for kindergarten, packing school supplies, posing for pictures, and the hardest part of all—saying goodbye to Mom and Dad. But maybe it won’t be so hard once they discover just how much fun kindergarten really is! Told like the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. (Purchased for my daughter!)

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten – It’s the first day of kindergarten and Miss Bindergarten is hard at work getting the classroom ready for her twenty-six new students. Meanwhile, Adam Krupp wakes up, Brenda Heath brushes her teeth, and Christopher Beaker finds his sneaker. Miss Bindergarten puts the finishing touches on the room just in time, and the students arrive. Now the fun can begin! This rhyming, brightly illustrated book is the perfect way to practice the alphabet and to introduce young children to kindergarten.

If You Take A Mouse To School – As you might imagine, there are great risks in bringing your mouse to school. For starters, he’ll ask you for your lunchbox. And then a sandwich. And a snack for later. Still not satisfied, he’ll want to participate in everything from math to soccer. Children and adults alike will revel in the hilarious, very cute illustrations of the mouse in the classroom. (We love this series!)

On The Way To Kindergarten – For anyone who is proud of a new kindergartner, here is a heartwarming book to treasure, celebrate, and take note of all these amazing accomplishments that have taken place over the past five years.

The Berenstain Bears Go to School – Sister Bear, nervous about entering kindergarten, overcomes her fears when she discovers that school is really fun. (One of our personal favorites.)

Clifford Goes To Dog School – Emily Elizabeth is taking Clifford to dog school. His teacher tries to show Clifford how to heel. But the leash is too short and she’s swept off her feet. Then she tells Clifford to sit. He sits — on top of a passing stranger! Poor Clifford; he just can’t get anything right! But when Emily Elizabeth forgets to look both ways before crossing the street, Clifford comes to her rescue. And Emily Elizabeth realizes that, although he’s not the most well trained dog, he’s perfect just the way he is.

Curious George’s First Day of School – It’s the first day of school, and Curious George has been invited to Mr. Apple’s class to be a special helper! George is just the right monkey for the job—until he starts to wreak his usual havoc, that is. Red and yellow paint makes orange, yellow and blue makes green . . . and a mixture of all the paint colors makes a big mess! (Love that silly monkey!)

Kindergarten Rocks – Dexter already knows everything there is to know about kindergarten. His big sister, Jessie, told him all about it. So Dexter is not scared. Not even a little bit. But his stuffed dog, Rufus, is scared. Actually, he’s terrified. But Dexter–er, Rufus–has nothing to fear: As he’ll soon find out, kindergarten rocks!

Fancy Nancy: JoJo’s First Day Jitters – Tomorrow is JoJo’s first day of preschool, and Fancy Nancy can’t wait to help her prepare—but what happens when JoJo gets a case of the first day jitters? With twelve flaps that open to reveal hidden surprises, Nancy fans will delight in this story of how big sisters can make all the difference.

Do you own any of the books on this list? Which are your favorites? 

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