Teaching Thankfulness & Sharing

No doubt you have seen Facebook friends professing thanks everyday for one of their many blessings as part of a 30 days of thanks. Big and small, there we have a lot of things to be thankful for. My personal 30 days of thanks project has been a little bit more subtle – talking to my daughter each day about all of the things she is thankful for.

Although the first things on her list are Pink Bear and White Bear (her most beloved possessions), when she lists the things she is thankful for Pinky and Whitey are always followed closely by mommy, daddy and sissy. We also talk about being thankful for our friends, our home, good food (and desert), her toys, Disney, daddy’s new job and our health. My four year old has a lot to be thankful for.

My lessons in thankfulness always include a message about sharing, and I was very proud this week when my daughter volunteered to share some of her stuffed animals to make another little girl or buy’s Christmas special. I took her up on her offer, and we have already passed those special friends to an organization that will make sure they are treasured on Christmas morning.

As we talk about our many blessings, I am especially thankful for the health of my girls. Knock on wood, baby girl has only had one minor cold in her first year and K very few in her four years. We’ve been blessed. But every time someone around us gets the sniffle, I get nervous paranoid. And now, just days before Thanksgiving, dad is down and out with a cold. Time to load everyone up on vitamin C and pass the Kleenex.

It’s just a cold, but keep your fingers crossed that we are able to count our blessings on Thanksgiving with clear sinuses.


When sickies strike in our house, I care of my family the same way mom took care of me. With an extra dose of TLC, a fresh box of Kleenex tissues (sitting next to a trash can for the dirties) and plenty of TV time. It is the one and only time we take our bed pillows to the couch and prop up for a marathon of TV time, and while no one likes to be sick that little routine is always sure to bring out a weak smile.

Through the Softness Worth Sharing initiative show your loved ones that you are thankful for them with a little TLC when you send a care package their way. Filled with goodies to pamper sickies, the care pack includes lip balm, hand sanitizer, a coupon booklet, Kleenex® Brand Share Pack, Kleenex® Brand Slim Pack and card redeemable to download four songs from up and coming Universal Music Artists. It’s a great way to show someone you are thankful for them just by buying a specially-marked boxes of Kleenex and redeeming a code inside.

Kleenex Share Care Pack

This holiday season, don’t pass the germs, pass the tissues. Show someone you are thankful by redeeming the code in your Kleenex box and share a little care.

Learn more on Kleenex Facebook page.

I wrote this review while participating in an ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Kleenex brand and received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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