I don’t care how many stores you visit, sometimes you just can’t find that perfect gift for dad. Sometimes it takes a little creativity to find the perfect gift for dad. For the dad who is hard to shop for in your life, enter the custom tshirt. Think modern take on World’s Greatest Dad.
“Dad” shirts not your guys thing? What about sports? The stores are filled with team apparel and sports tshirts for every team out there, but what about for a dad with too many tshirts? How about a work polo embroidered with the team name and colors. I like the idea of adding dad’s name or something personal under the team name.
Another idea for dad, something the kids can wear to support dad or his favorite team. Something that will make dad smile when he sees the kids wearing it. This is an especially good idea for new dads. 😉
Speaking of new dads, what new dad wouldn’t love a mouse pad or a coffee cup with the image below? (Personalized, of course.)
Still need an idea for a shirt for dad? There are also tshirt blogs such as Death by T-Shirt filled with shirt design ideas.
All ideas above can also be adjusted to create the perfect gift for grandpa, and the best part about custom items is that you can make it say whatever the kids call grandpa – Gramps, Pop-Pop, Papa, etc.
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