If you have been looking for a kitchen for your little girl, look no further. The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Minnie Kitchen Play Set is currently on sale for $59.99 – that’s 50% off the original price! We got my daughter a kitchen set last summer, and it continues to be her go-to toy. I can’t believe how much she loves it. But if we didn’t already have a kitchen, I would HAVE to have this Minnie Mouse one for her. (If I could justify having 2, we would!) At this price, think Christmas or Birthday – you can always store in the garage!
I am interested in buying this for christmas.
i am interested in this kitchen for my daughter please let me know how to purchase it.
The exact one mentioned in this post is out of stock (because the post is about a year old). But the new version is available, and it is currently 25% off. You can find the new version of the Minnie Mouse Kitchen here – http://bit.ly/tJ8PYB. Plus, you can use the coupon code THANKS to save an additional 20% through 11/25/11. Happy shopping!
Where did you get the Minnie Kitchen Play Set?
Hi Annie – The exact one mentioned in this post is out of stock (because the post is about a year old). But the new version is available, and it is currently 25% off. You can find the new version of the Minnie Mouse Kitchen here – http://bit.ly/tJ8PYB. Plus, you can use the coupon code THANKS to save an additional 20% through 11/25/11. Happy shopping!
Can’t get Out of Stock Looking everywhere for one since Mov. 24th!! Any help please let me know!! Thank You!!
I found a couple of options:
The princess one – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0048LXFFY/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=babubl-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0048LXFFY
Or the Minnie one – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0048071V4/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=babubl-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0048071V4
I did find the Minnie one for less on eBay if you are an eBay shopper. Hope this helps.